September Horoscopes with James Christie

What do the stars have in store for you this month?

Some good news on the work front which pleases you greatly and enables you to firm up on future plans. Unfortunately there may be some discord with a lover or partner when those “plans” do not coincide with their own priorities.  You’re feeling restless and brave, but a partner is feeling scared and insecure. No good losing your temper, just be very patient and keep chipping away until someone else realises that if they want you in their life, then they too must make a few compromises. 

This puts them in the position of having to seriously consider their options, and it is only when they do this that they will come to see that with you they’re on to a good thing! This realisation will do much to change their attitudes, and I suspect PDQ.  With you they’ve got something, but without you they haven’t, and this is a truth which you also need to keep very much in mind.

A productive and creative month on the work scene, but you will need the co-operation of others to maximise your potential. A positive mood during the first couple of weeks becomes a mood of frustration from the 14th or 15th onwards when things do not happen as quickly as you might wish.  The 17th is a key date not so much for travel, but certainly for transport. My gut instincts here suggest an expensive train ticket or a big bill on a car.

On more than one occasion you may need to be particularly supportive of a partner who is going through some complicated changes in their life at this time.  They can (eventually) get there by themselves, but it will be so much easier for them if they know that you’ve got their back.  Being totally cynical about it, perhaps from a purely financial point of view, you need to have their back, because you can’t do what you want to do without their support!

Some members of the sign, especially older males, may have a few health concerns at this time.  If there have to be hospital tests, then take this in your stride, but in the meantime attention to diet and the need to take more exercise will serve you very well indeed.

This is one of those months when you lurch from a crisis to a drama and back again!  Some problem gets sorted out and then hey presto, another one pops up in its place. Sorting out other peoples’ affairs will take up much of your time and there could be some legal dealings, very possibly in connection with property.

Grown up children may impose a little too heavily on your goodwill and will be guilty of taking you a wee bit too much for granted.  A small stand of defiance here on your part will alert anyone else to the fact that if they do want your help in anyway, they really must change both their attitude and their tactics.  A younger female could present you with a challenge at this time, making you wonder why you’ve bothered about her so much over the years gone by.  The concept of “loyalty” will be much on your mind and you’ll come to the conclusion that loyalty is most definitely a two way transaction, otherwise the whole notion is decidedly suspect.

To counterpoint this rather negative trend, younger members of the sign will be focused on romance and the conduct of relationships, and there should be some exciting times throughout the month.  In some cases a relationship becomes weaker and less important, but to compensate for this, new relationships get off the ground and bring a wave of new hope and fresh possibilities.

An awkward and tense start to the month when you will feel the weight of restriction pressing heavy on your shoulders but the energy shifts between the 9th and 11th when things become a lot more buoyant and there’s some fun to be had for those who have the time and energy to have it.  A reunion during the last ten days has a distinctly sexy feel to it, but Cancerian ladies should be warned that there is also an element of danger involved as well.

Gentlemen of the sign, especially those between say 40 and 55 will be feeling very hemmed in and restricted and there is trouble brewing if they cannot find (or are not allowed to find) some release for their pent up frustrations.  Some impulsive (and possibly secretive) decisions made in the later days of the month could well become the catalyst for a pattern of major change to start falling into place throughout the rest of this year and overt the forthcoming winter of their discontent.

Ladies of the sign, especially married ladies, should make sure they are not doing ostrich impressions by keeping their heads in the sand.  They need to be alert for nuances of change within relationships and, depending upon what they want, respond to those nuances in kind. Even if the desire is to preserve the status quo at all costs, there must still be some change in the way in which relationships are conducted.

If there is any turbulence in emotional relationships it will be caused by outside influences, not by anything of your own doing.  Therefore it might be to your advantage to keep your private life very private, and tell anyone who is trying to butt in to butt out. If this means sacrificing a fair weather friendship, it seems to be a very small price to pay. 

Younger members of the sign will resent interference from parental authority, and if they are “told” they can’t do this that or the other, inevitably they will go and do exactly what they’re not supposed to do, just to prove that they can. There could be some fun and excitement here, but I’m sure that the parents of Leo children won’t see it this way. This trend is a month long pattern, and indeed could manifest itself throughout the duration of the autumn, and even onwards after that until such time as parents of Leo born children realise that their kids, while still young, are no longer children, and will no longer conform to the old rules and restrictions imposed upon them.

In some sort of crazy paradox, adult Leos will be on the receiving end of unhelpful advice from some of the older people they have around them, and in my opinion, this advice should be astutely ignored. It is not objective and inevitably comes from people who have their own agendas.

A feeling of deflation and anti-climax bogs you down during the first week and it won’t be ‘till the 6th or 7th that you start finding some focus and enthusiasm for both work routines and personal agendas.  You’ll be feeling very claustrophobic, and while some of you may well embark upon home improvement schemes, others will be thinking about moving home, especially if there are any overseas opportunities. 

Long overland journeys look probable throughout the month, but here again there is some frustration.  You could be driving to Middlesborough while all the time dreaming of flying to Marbella. This will make you question our current domestic situation and you may well come to the conclusion that it might be time for a change… A BIG change!

Generally speaking, autumn is a good time of the year for Virgo born people, but not this year, I’m afraid. Whatever you’ve got, there’s that insistent inner voice that keeps shouting “I want more! A whole lot more!”  It is a voice that will not be silenced easily and you’re going to have to pay it some attention and do something about it before it drives you into some ill-advised impulsive action that you may have good cause to regret afterwards.

Potentially this could be a sexy and exciting month for single lady Librans who are prepared to have some fun and live dangerously.  Everyone else slogs along with “the same old same old” and middle aged males will be feeling old beyond their years.  Business and career aspects are quite good around the 18th to 21st, especially for the self-employed, but even those on PAYE (pay all you earn) should experience some fiscal imrovements.

Towards month’s end, say from the 26th onwards, you’ll find yourself thinking about and possibly even discussing anything and everything to do with property.  At this stage you’ll be feeling your way forwards, weighing up the pros and cons, and as a result of this process your options become much clearer

Also at this time there is likely to be some concern for a younger member (or members) of the family, and while this is both natural and commendable, I suggest you keep your distance and let them do more to sort out their problems for themselves.  This is easier said than done, but the fact of the matter is that you can do a lot more to help if you remain objective and remain just a little bit detached from whatever is going on.

A bright start to the month with some changes to work routines between the 3rd and the 5th which clearly will be to your advantage. Some interesting changes to priorities and agendas in the mid-month period, putting you in a position of having to make some awkward decisions and choices during the last few days. Can’t decide? Toss a coin!  This may sound flippant (no pun intended) but sometimes any decision is better than no decision, and this could well be one of those times.

Younger female Scorpios might find the above words more appropriate to affairs of the heart while older members of the sign would find it easier to apply those words to jobs and careers… Either way, anything you can do to get yourself off the horns of a dilemma has got to be good news

The 12th to the 17th is a period wherein there must inevitably be a degree of friction in all emotional relationships, but there is nothing here which cannot be successfully resolved, providing you’re totally open about your feelings and unambiguous with your words.  Having said that, do be mindful that whatever you say will be remembered and it would be unwise to make any promises that you cannot keep.

An interesting and thoughtful month during which you will quietly come to realise that some things you thought were impossible, might just be possible after all. This ignites a flame of excitement and new hope and you’ll make yourself busy by doing lots of research to clarify your future options.  Communication with other people is vital at this time, obviously by phone, text or email, but more importantly on a face to face basis. A key conversation on or around the 17th will provide you with important information, and a business meeting on or around the 26th 27th will generate some new options and prospects. 

On a slightly negative note, it may well be that a partner or lover does not share in some of your aspirations, in which case you need to persuade them with gentle persistence rather than getting moody or huffy. I’m fairly certain that they’ll come round to your way of thinking in the end, providing you play your cards right.  This kind of thinking also applies to romantic aspects (especially right at the beginning of the month and then again right at the end) when you will need to be pliant and patient and avoid being pushy.

Although there will be issues with time management, this should be an eventful and successful month, both in the boardroom and the bedroom. As much as is humanly possible, it looks like you will be on the receiving end of the best of both worlds. Romance dominates in week one, careers are highlighted in week two, dreams lead you astray in week three, money is the key issue in week four.

On the subject of romance, a partner may be feeling restricted and hemmed in… This is not a reflection of your relationship, it’s just that they need to be doing something more constructive with their lives, and anything you can do to help them in this quest will help you both.

Between the 7th and 15th you’ll be under some pressure on the work scene, and it will cross your mind that there are other jobs out there if you’re not happy where you are.  Don’t wait for something to drop into your lap – rather, get out there and see what else is available.  Around the 20th or 21st you’ll come up with a couple of possible ideas, but will need to think these through carefully, because what might look like a “good idea” to you could be seen as a suicide mission by someone else.

During the last days of the month you’ll be doing your sums, auditing your income and expenditure, and realising that something has got to change.  Time to stop eating lobster and learning how to appreciate beans and baked potatoes.

Minor clashes of wills between partners could get out of hand unless someone is prepared to pour oil over troubled waters and make a few compromises.  Money may be the key issue in this conflict, and if you’re the one who’s earned it, just make sure you make your voice heard. True, pride comes before a fall, but principles are principles, and if you feel that you need to make a point, don’t be too subtle about it.  These words apply to all Aquarians out there, but middle aged Aquarian males might understand more easily what I’m trying to say here.

Potentially September will be quite a busy period on the social scene but I suspect that on occasions your heart won’t be in t, and you’ll just be going through the motions and making the best of what someone else has organised.  A little reflective time in your own company could be invaluable around the 15th to the 21st so be kind to yourself and make sure you do what you can to get it.  Aquarian parents experience feelings of both pride and envy when they assess the achievements of their off-spring.

In any kind of legal conflict, do not back off, but fight like hell and go for the jugular vein!  Professional advice is probably sound, but sadly, not necessarily so that which is offered from friends and family.  On the subject of family, a partner strives hard to please, but the chances are you’ll be too concerned about children and other issues to notice.  It makes me feel that you’re like a juggler throwing too many balls up into the air at the same time, or a balancing act trying to perform on a loose wire – so maybe you need to apply some compartmentalisation and focus on the issues which concern you one at a time, rather than trying to resolve half a dozen problems all at once.

On a different note entirely, this is a time when you are likely to make contact with the more spiritual side of your nature and as faith in one domain of your life may have been seriously compromised over the last few months, there is something new and significantly more important sparking away in the seat of your soul, suggesting that faith, albeit perhaps a new faith, is destined to be rekindled.


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