June Horoscopes with James Christie

What do the stars have in store for you?

The first week of the month brings a degree of frustration and tension when other people close to you fail to recognise your dreams and desires. Between the 7th and the 14th you go through an intensely busy period in which all your energies will be focused on financial priorities. Some good news during the latter half of the month when you get a green light on future business plans.

There are likely to be some undercurrents of tension within relationships as partners fail to see eye to eye on long term aims and ambitions.  This may well become something of a taboo subject, because any mention of it could easily flare up into arguments and resentments. At this time you are best advised to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t make some long term contingency plans.

Home improvement and DIY projects offer some distraction, but there are too many times when you will wonder why you’re bothering.  Your heart is no longer in this kind of thing – not in your present location, anyway!  If you were living in a different place and enjoying a very different lifestyle, the situation would be very different, so as I say, make your plans, but keep them to yourself.  For the time being.

A good money month, and especially for those who have a business relationship with emotional partners: there is the birth of new hope and ambition on the work scene, and if this brings an element of change into your life, it is change you have worked hard to create. The first half of the month sees plans being made, and the second half sees them being put into action.

Some irritating health aspects might need some attention at this time… The sort of thing which brings a knowing smile to others around you.  Gout, housemaid’s knee, tennis elbow… which are all very amusing unless you happen to be suffering from this kind of complaint.  Probably not a lot of medical help here, so it might be worth trying some of the alternative remedies.

Taureans are not the Zodiac’s natural leaders, but the onus of leadership does fall upon your shoulders towards the month’s end when you will need to take a partner to task on their spending habits.  Right now you are in quite a strong position, but this cannot and will not last for ever unless the breaks are applied.  This might not make you totally popular with your nearest and dearest, but what’s got to be said has got to be said and what’s got to be done has got to be done.

A lovely month for younger female members of the sign who are looking for love.  The good news is, I think you’re going to find it, although not necessarily from where you expect it to come from! For all members of the sign, June is a healing period – and you can interpret that word “healing” any way you want, whether it is in a medical sense or an emotional one.

There is a favourable financial outlook for all Geminis, but it’s got to be said that self-employed males are likely to benefit the most, especially between the 14th and 22nd when some important deal or contract falls into place. Career orientated females might have to wait until the last days of the month before some of their ambitions fall into place, and only then after a few frustrating delays and disappointments.

Travel aspects are favourable throughout June, but hey, it’s the season of summer holidays, so that might be the extent of it.  Having said that, there could be some interesting links developing with people living in the south of the country, especially in the London area.  On the subject of travel, a word of warning here to very old people driving very old cars… drive carefully, and unless you’ve got 20/20 vision, try to avoid driving at night.

After the events of May you should be pleased to know that June is a much more gentle month, with the accent on developing new friendships and building a few bridges where they need to be built.  Parent/child relationships become a lot more harmonious, and indeed for some, there could be some very good news concerning pregnancies and new life within the family.

Ladies of a certain age will experience some quite significant mood swings, probably caused (sorry) by hormones rather than pheromones. Don’t just sit there and suffer in silence, but do something about it!  There is plenty of help available in this day and age, and all you have to do is ask.

Travel aspects are quite strong mid-month, but this could be accounted for by a well deserved holiday, possibly arranged quite impulsively at the last minute. The latter part of the month, especially between the 22nd and the 30th, should see you concentrating on financial and business affairs, are there are some successes here, but only for the brave who are prepared to innovate and make the most of their opportunities.  Anything and everything to do with banking and financial restructuring is relevant at this time.

You’ll be working hard to generate a greater degree of domestic security, and should be successful in the quest. This will lead to greater emotional harmony and boost your confidence in all sorts of different ways.  Having said that, there are certain areas in which you must be patient, and trying to push something through when it’s not quite ready, could cause a set-back. It’s a bit like that old Kenny Rogers song when he says “you’ve got to know when to play and know when to hold.”

Sex can always be a tricky subject for many Leos, and it is something that they prefer not to discuss – or even spend too much time thinking about.  Nevertheless, the sexual imperative is strong at this time and on more than one occasion you will be propelled along the pathway of life by a sexual agenda.  Gentlemen of the sign might find a greater sense of release than the ladies, but the girls have their own agendas – agendas which might be slightly more devious and cunning than found in their male counterparts.  The 20th through until the 25th is a period of impulsive hedonism, which all should enjoy, but a good few will feel guilty about it afterwards!

Journeys in connection with business or careers seem probably at various times throughout the month.  Ladies will know where they’re going. Gentlemen will not.

Not a good month for doing dodgy impulsive deals, especially if you’re contemplating spending a big chunk of cash.  Take your time, read the small print, and be cautious. Two areas of concern here are transport and travel. In the latter days of the month you will have to make an awkward and unpopular decision, and because you can’t please everyone, you might just as well please yourself! While you are doing this, keep your hand firmly on your wallet or purse.

June should be quite a social month, and while it sounds like a bit of a cliché, this is a bright time for meeting new people and making new friends.  This will have a very favourable effect on singletons who are looking for love, and I’m fairly sure they will find it, although not in the most obvious of places. Nevertheless, the last week of the month will turn out to be a very sexy period and what starts out as a sexual encounter could easily develop into something more deeply passionate and lasting.

Younger members of the sign might find themselves faced with awkward choices and divided emotional loyalties at this time.  Some people will be clashing with parents and anyone else who is an “authority figure” while others will recognise the need for more space and freedom, precipitating a change of address, especially if this means moving out of the family home.

Anything and everything to do with property should have some relevance this month. We could just be talking about some basic home improvements here, but there is another aspect applicable to some, which suggests that career advancement might necessitate some degree of relocation.  Also, there is a connection here with emotional relationships insofar that for romance to bloom, you must go to the mountain rather than waiting for the mountain to come to you. If he’s in Australia and you’re in North Yorkshire, the bottom line is, you got to go to him! Even though you don’t like gambling, this is where you might have to take a few calculated risks. Faint heart never won fair lady or feller!

On a different note entirely, career aspects seem to be a bit bogged down at the moment, and it looks like you might have a choice to make… stay safe where you are or take a risk and jump ship? If the ship is sinking, then the choice is obvious, but if it isn’t, ah well, you’ve got some decisions to make. Normally I’d say follow the money, but at this time there are more important issues than hard cash in the bank, and you need to think of what your heart is telling you and your spiritual wellbeing.  There’s no point in keeping your nose to the same old grind stone if there’s no joy or job satisfaction. Ask yourself what it is that would make you truly happy, and let that be your guiding star.

Job offers and opportunities come your way this month, but to accept means taking a step into the unknown.  I hope that you do take that step, not for any financial gain, but because it represents movement away from some old pain and anguish towards a better and brighter future. You might not know where you’re going, but you know where you’ve been. You know that you’re not going back to that place, which is enough for now.

Throughout the month there is a sense of movement, and while this could have all sorts of different connotations, such as a change in commuter routes to a change of address, holidays and some distinct shifts in your social circle, it could also mean movement in your values and priorities, and more importantly, your aiming points and ambitions. This could just as easily represent a change in your emotional loyalties. Keep an open mind and do not dismiss anything out of hand. Remember that at this time, the new has more to offer than the old, and this is true in all manner of different ways.

June might be a sticky month where finances are concerned until the 20th or 21st when there is a distinct change for the better.  This is represented by some kind of promotion or back payment of monies owed to you, and if you’ve been actively looking for it, the offer of a new job.

In some ways June is a bit of an anti-climax after earlier events this year, and you’ll find it hard to slip back into familiar old routines. This could cause inner ferments of frustration and tension which bubble beneath the surface – and this is where you need to keep them! For the sake of emotional and domestic harmony, you need to go in search of inner calm and patience. A lot of good things seem to be happening to people around you, but not to you. I don’t actually think this is a true assessment of the situation, but it is the way you see it.  If I were you, I’d take one step back and count your blessings.

Emotional relationships with lovers and partners seem stable enough on the surface, but beneath the surface there is an element of angst. You may feel appreciated, but not fully understood, and you do need someone to understand how you feel.  The answer to this is to tell them, but do it quietly and calmly, and in an uncritical way. Sagittarians often feel that the best form of defense is to attack, but don’t employ this tactic this time round. Attacking and being aggressive will not get you very far at all.

There are a few ways out of this awkward circle of emotion, but it means playing a bit of a “long” game and not acting impulsively in an attempt to break the deadlock.  There is some beautiful green grass on the far side of the hill, so why not go for a gentle stroll to the top of the hill and check out the view from there?

Single girls beware.  Boyfriends are like busses.  You miss one, then wait for ages for the next, then two or three come along at the same time. On a positive note we could say that you are spoiled for choice, but a negative perspective points out that you might have to make choice between Tom, Dick and Harry, which for a Capricorn, is not an enviable position to be in.

More mature members of the sign can enjoy a more mundane period, but having said that, if you were going to be brutally honest, you’d have to admit you have got a bit stuck in a rut, so you do need to do something to break with the old routines.  It doesn’t have to cost a fortune, and a walk in the countryside or even a stroll through some of York’s familiar old streets, might be enough to do the trick. Alternatively, turn the telly off and listen to some good music, drink a bottle of wine on Bridlington beach and make love (carefully) in the wet sand!

Sometime during the month there needs to be a careful conversation about finances, with a view to the mid and long term. You might find yourself getting a bit defensive about this, but no one is trying to pick a fight or have an argument when they suggest that you (as a couple) need to tighten the belt a bit.

A mood of fresh starts and new beginnings!  This sounds good, but it brings the temptation to be impulsive, which is not such a good thing. If you’ve got some new ideas bubbling away, look at them carefully, do some research and careful planning, and make sure the head rules the heart before getting out your credit or debit card.  Having said that, this is a time for some future investment, but just make sure you’re buying necessities rather than luxuries.

Although it is a subtle thing, there may some simmering tension in a marital relationship, and you’ll not be certain of the cause.  Have you said something offensive? Have you done something to upset someone? The answer is probably not, but if a partner is dealing with their own negativity at this time, it seems inevitable that you get dragged into the net.  Try to be supportive and cheerful, and encourage a loved one to open their heart to you with honesty and candor, and then you might be able to do something to alleviate the situation.

June 6th brings good news from some distant far off place, and there is further good news from closer to home around the 10th or 11th. Some changes to work routines fall into place around the 22nd which should bring a small cash bonus, and there will be a notable improvement in the atmosphere within your home by the end of the month as a lover or partner comes a bit closer to your way of thinking. If someone if prepared to let you lead, make sure you lead them to where they want to be. If you can, and you can but try!

We are likely to see the death of obstacles and obstructions which have stood in your way for a very long time.  This brings an inner sense of justice, and creates a mood of freedom and liberty.  You will be able to cut through red tape, sort out any legal disputes to your advantage, and push open doors which have been traditionally closed to you. This is an on-going situation that doesn’t happen overnight or even over a long weekend, but it is a powerful trend influencing the mood of the whole month, and you’ll feel better at the end than you did at the beginning.

Piscesians are not the most valiant decision makers of the Zodiac, but decisions will be made this month (the 14th and 15th) with great confidence, born of the fact that you will have clear evidence that some of your recently made decisions in March, April and May, have been the right ones. The proof of this pudding can be measured by your bank statements and other peoples’ willingness to assist you in any given quest or ambition.

Anything to do with learning and education has a role to play at this time, even if it means that you have learned to stand on your own two feet and trust in your own judgement. Also, for the record, June (and indeed the whole of the high summer) could be regarded as a healing period, wherein wounds of an emotional or physical nature can be salved.


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