July Horoscopes by James Christie

Horoscopes by James Christie

For details of private readings phone 01423 339770 or email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk.


21st March – 19th April

A breathe-easy month as more restrictions are lifted, and you’re able to get out and about a bit more. Inevitably some major improvement in your social life, but with some high spending on entertainment and other diversions. Favourable travel opportunities, especially if they’re tied in with family reunions around the 10th and 11th, and again, on the 24th and 25th.

A niggling decision needs resolving at this time. Do you hang on to something; that as much as you might love it, you don’t really need it, and it’s costing you a lot of money… Or do you let it go and reap the financial reward? This will be a practical thing like a car or a house or a business, and although other people will be quick to offer you their advice, the decision is yours alone to make. I suppose you can put it off for a while, but we’re talking days and weeks here, rather than weeks and months.

Younger members of the sign have more energy and initiative than most, but more mature Arians suffer from a stodgy degree of lethargy and boredom.


20th April – 20th May

Okay, come with me on this. This astrological profile is for July, but I’m writing it in the middle of May. The rain is lashing against my office window, and the skies are filled with bruised black clouds. Now, if the weather in July is anything like it is this morning, you could win a million quid on the lottery, buy your first Ferrari, or meet the girl (or guy) of your dreams – and you’re still going to be grumpy and pissed off. You are a Taurean, and a recent survey indicates that 81% of all Taureans suffer from SAD (seasonal adjustment deficiency) to one degree or another, and when Taureans suffer, they really suffer!

Given that there might be a few blue skies and a hint of summer sunshine, well, like your Arian neighbour, a greater sense of freedom will permeate through your sign, coinciding with (or even creating) a greater sense of energy and ambition. Some routine medical appointment/s in the second week, but these are expected and work very much to your advantage. Finances are stable, and there will be some romantic opportunities on the 10th and 24th. BUT whatever you’re doing, wherever you’re going, take your raincoat just in case!     


21st May – 20th June

Lots of activity this month… domestic routines are disturbed by DIY and home improvement schemes and the possibility of visiting friends and overnight guests. Some excitement associated with some new possession – new car, new patio, new 68 inch TV, or anything else which takes your fancy. Good news re. anything to do with health, both your own and other people’s. This does not give you permission to apply for jobs as a deckhand on a submarine, and nor is it the time to take up any kind of dangerous sports, but providing you’re careful, everything should be okay.

Other people close to you may be going through an awkward time emotionally, especially in connection with a marital relationship, and hard though it sounds, I suggest you let ‘em get on with it and keep your distance. If you are to be of any help at all, it can only be through detachment and objectivity. The welfare of young children may also be giving you food for thought, but unless they are your children, again I say keep your distance.


21st June – 22nd July

If I had to find one word to describe the vibe of the month for the majority of Cancerians, then that word would be ‘satisfying.’ 

Things start falling into place for you, opposition and obstruction to your plans and ideas diminish: there is a greater sense of co-operation from friends and colleagues and family members, apart from one very tense weekend on the 17th and 18th when you will have to lay down the law – without losing your temper. A calm, quiet, reasonable voice will get you a lot more than a protracted rant.

Cancerian parents will find some issues need resolving with at least one of their children around the 11th, 12th or 13th and (depending on the age of the kids) you might have to come on a bit heavy in laying down the law: older children may be entitled to some degree of independence, but this does not entitle them to be rude and bad-mannered.

Romantic aspects are reasonably exciting for younger members of the sign (say under 35) but anyone a bit older than that will have to make an effort to create their own excitement – and that is only if they have the time and the inclination.


23rd July – 22nd August

An important month where relationships are concerned, because this is when you can look back at something which has gone wrong in the past and realise that maybe you had a very lucky escape. This opens the doors to your heart and mind and makes you significantly more receptive to new romantic opportunities when they come knocking on your door. They say that there are plenty more fish in the sea, and now is a good time for you to go fishing.

Around the 11th or 12th, someone will ask you for a favour, probably work-related, and here I would advocate a degree of caution. Don’t commit yourself to anything, and do be aware that if someone is telling you a hard-luck story, you’re only getting half of that story. If you decline to offer help, sure, it might damage a friendship, but in a worst-case scenario, that might be the least of your problems.

With C-19 restrictions being lifted, some travel opportunities are opening up, but here again, a note of caution. No reason why you shouldn’t enjoy loads of fun, but enjoy it close to home.


23rd August – 22nd September

A cautiously optimistic month where jobs and money are concerned, and if profits are not as great as you might like them to be, just be thankful that you are in the black and not in the red! Press forwards, but be realistic in your expectations. C-19 leaves a lingering influence over the population at large, and although you may have regained your confidence, there are still people out there who have not.

On an entirely different note, this is a very good time for partnerships and emotional relationships as you find yourself pulling in the same direction as a significant other towards a common goal. There is a sense of camaraderie and adventure, which provides a secure foundation stone for making long term plans which will affect you both.

There is a negative niggle concerning the health of an older person in the family circle and while you will do what you can to help, keep a sense of perspective here and recognise that you can only do so much. Thoughts about an elderly person’s long time care need to be addressed.


23rd September – 22nd October

Now I’m not talking about sex, drugs and rock and roll, but July is a very social month with more than one wild party in the wind, and while you may be celebrating all kinds of different things, a lot of you are going to be celebrating newfound confidence in your own sexuality! A boring month? Most definitely not! A dangerous month? Most definitely yes!

Somewhere around the 9th or 10th someone of the opposite sex will catch your eye and fire up your imagination. If you’re single this could be very exciting, but if you’re not, well, that’s where the word “dangerous” takes on a much deeper meaning. Some changes to work routines towards the end of the month, say the 25th and 26th, which will make you pause for a moment and consider other career pathways. It won’t push you into doing anything impulsive, but it will get you thinking.

Financially, things could be better – but they could also be a lot worse, and you’ll be inclined to think that the bird in the hand is worth more than the two in the bush. Other people may say you’re missing an opportunity, but at least you’re safe and solvent… So maybe this is a good time to avoid risks and try improving the status quo.


23rd October – 21st November

June’s sense of hedonism carries on into July but is tempered by some serious thoughts about relationships. Are you with the right person? Are they fulfilling your needs? Are they giving back as much as they take? These are all questions that you need to find answers to, and in this quest, I think you will be very successful, and from the 20th onwards you will know where you’re going… Maybe it won’t be where you thought you were going a few weeks ago, but you are inspired by a sense of self-confidence and determination, and therefore will win the day.

A colleague or work-related friend, a bit older than you, and almost certainly of the opposite sex, will be extremely useful in opening a door of opportunity for you and providing you with some very sound advice. There is nothing overtly sexual here, and if you find yourself wondering whether or not you can trust this person, I am fairly confident that you can… This is more than can be said for one or two close members within your family circle who get very cross when you can’t or won’t do what they want you to do!  


22nd November – 21st December

Older members of the sign have nothing to worry about, but younger folk under 35 may need to do a reality check. Are you taking on too much? Spreading yourself too thinly? Are you doing as well as you think you are or have you started believing in your own publicity? Is your image of yourself the same as how other people see you? You really do need to pause and take stock of your position. In more ways than one, this is a month of enjoying your share of the limelight and all I’m saying here is that you mustn’t let the limelight go to your head.

Even if you don’t think you’re doing as well as you’d like to, there is still going to be some jealousy directed towards you from people who envy you your achievements and success. Frankly, there’s not much you can do about this, other than to ignore it and rise above it. Whatever you’ve got or are getting, you’ve undoubtedly worked very hard for, and probably over a very long time, which is something that your detractors and critics do not see.

Job and careerwise, this is a propitious period for anyone involved in the arts, and indeed for anyone with artistic ambitions.


22nd December – 19th Jan

July seems to be an easy and trouble-free month with lots of nice things happening with family and friends. Workloads will be heavy, but you will cope manfully (or womanfully) and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that your efforts are appreciated. Some turbulence in youthful relationships, but a welcome degree of stability and security in mature unions.

Possibly some kind of promotion before month’s end, and almost certainly some kind of financial boost. On the one hand, obviously, you will be pleased, but the pleasure will be tempered with the knowledge that whatever you’re getting, you’ve probably worked damned hard to get. Practical decisions concerning long term budgeting and financial planning will come under review on several occasions, and if you’re looking for advice it will be given freely, but in the final analysis, the decisions will be yours.

Interesting contacts with people you haven’t seen or heard much from for quite a number of years, and probably one significant reunion taking place before month’s end. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself having to make up the spare bed to accommodate last-minute visitors.


20th January – 18th February

A stable and predictable month ON THE SURFACE, but beneath the surface there is a thrum of tension and frustration caused by feeling trapped in all too familiar routines: regardless of your age, you’re looking for some excitement and adventure, and although it may be there beckoning enticingly, to get it means taking huge risks that you’re not prepared to make. Yet. This energy is likely to affect all Aquarians, but it is more acutely felt by males over the age of 50.

Much younger members of the sign, especially those in their teens and early 20’s, are likely to kick and bitch against the imposition of any kind of restriction or authority; if they’ve actually got the gumption to do anything about this, it will at least release the tension and change a few things… but if they haven’t, it is likely to foster a festering spirit of rebellion which certainly will explode somewhere down the line.

The 8th 9th and 10th augur well for all forms of communication, with money being spent on communications technology before month’s end. The 16th to the 19th is a period wherein parents will clash with their children and vice versa. The last days of the month are connected with homecomings and departures.


19th February – 20th March

In a worst-case scenario July ticks along like any other month, but in a best-case scenario, this is when you can break free of old restraints, embrace the concept of hedonism, let it all hang out and paint the town red… and do it with someone who is quite determined to make sure you have a good time. The 10th is your first opportunity, the 17th is your second, and the 25th is your last chance to make July go with a bang. If you don’t like bangs, just keep your head down and let someone else enjoy the fun.

Now, it’s not for me to be critical, but this “keeping your head down” attitude has plagued a high percentage of Piscesians for far too long, so might this be a good time to look back over your shoulder and assess what you’ve been missing out on? Might this be a really good time to reconsider your mindset and some of your values? In some ways, Piscesians are the most sensitive people in the Zodiac spectrum, but they are not always the bravest… So hoik up your skirts, put on your best tie, and go in search of some courage! Little things at first, small steps, leading to broad strides and long jumps.


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