February Horoscopes with James Christie

What do the stars have in store for you this month?

You’re far from being a control freak, but you do need to feel that you’re in charge of your own life. This poses problems for you in February when on more than one occasion plans have to be changed at the last minute, and even when plans do fall into place, they don’t work out the way you expected them to. I know I’m sounding like an old hippy, but hang loose and go with the flow. Other people, especially partners, will fail to understand why you are so tense and grumpy, little realising that on too many occasions, they are the cause of the problem. Different people have their own priorities and agendas, and because of this they all too frequently fail to recognise yours. It might be time for some calm and frank conversations, but the trouble is you probably don’t feel like talking just now (kicking, screaming and shouting, yes – but definitely not just talking!) and this, I’m afraid, is an indication of your lack of faith in other peoples’ abilities to understand your own feelings.  It’s a vicious circle – but one that can be broken if you’re prepared to take the bull firmly and gently by the horns.

These deep mid-winter months are not the best of times for Taureans. There is no sign of spring, and no spring in your step.  Everything seems to be such an effort and it is hard to find much enthusiasm for anything. If it’s any consolation, there are millions of other Taureans out there feeling exactly the same way, so take heart in the knowledge that you do not suffer alone. Older members of the sign, especially the fellers, may be able to take solace in memories of their past, but ladies have a tougher time. They are more practical and pragmatic, and it isn’t the past that dwells upon their minds, but the present and the future. Nevertheless, it must be said that if you’re a Taurean female, partners and lovers will be looking to you to take the lead, which would be fine if you knew where you were going!  Sure, you know where you’d like to go, but that destination is maddeningly out of reach. Maybe all Taureans, male and female, young and old, need to do a reality check and redefine some of their aims and ambitions.  To get to the stars, first you must capture the moon.

Rather an educational month in many respects, especially in the sense of seeing some of the key players in your life in a new light. This should bring pleasure and disappointment in equal measure! There is a flurry of travel activity around the 14th, 15th and 16th and anything which can provide you with a break and a change of scene, even if it is only a couple of days, has got to be worthwhile. There are cracks in some family relationships which cannot be repaired or healed by just ignoring them.  Parents might have to practice some “tough love” with younger kids while older children need to be made aware of the fact that (a) the bank of Mum & Dad is no longer open for business, and (b) you have your own life to lead, and much as you might love them, you cannot allow your life to revolve around the needs of others.  You don’t owe them anything, but they owe you everything.

As they were want to say over in the west riding “ay, there’s trouble at mill!” and your troubles come from other people who stand in your way and tell you that you cannot do what you want to do.  Tensions which have been brewing for months now come to a head, and you have two choices. Either step back and seek compromise, or charge ahead regardless – and loose a few people along the way. All members of the sign, but particularly ladies in their middle or later years, will be given cause to look back to decisions they made years, maybe even decades ago, and find themselves wondering how their lives might have panned out had they made different choices. One cannot change history but sometimes a little speculation can be good for the soul. As this could be a make or break time in unhappy relationships, it might serve you well to learn what you can from past mistakes. If it turns out to be a “make” time, then accept that some major compromises will be called for, and you will have to make your fair share.  If it is a “break” time, it will probably be protracted and messy. Sorry, but that’s how I see it.

This could be a lovely month for relationships and all affairs of the heart, and the 14th would be a good day to get a few of your secret hopes and desires out into the open.  Rather than being rejected, I think they will be well received, and this could lead to even warmer, more wonderful times ahead. Emotional advice from a same sex friend should be regarded with a degree of suspicion!  This “friend” has probably got an agenda, and with Pluto highly visible in your chart, this whispers of things like deceit and secrets. Basically you’re feeling okay but your friend isn’t, and they’re sufficiently pissed off to rock your boat a bit.  I don’t think you’ll have much difficulty in getting to the bottom of this, and when you do, it’s bye bye friend!

Chop chop, busy busy, bang bang!  New work routines or new jobs put you in the firing line of all the action, and February will be an intensly busy month.  This is great from a financial point of view, and your bank manager should be very pleased with you – but there are going to be times when you question the worth of what you’re doing and start contemplating a whole new different lifestyle.  Yes, you’ve probably felt like this before, but as this year unfolds that little voice which keeps whispering “there’s got to be more to life than this” is going to get ever stronger, and as February unfolds, you might start giving the idea some serious and practical thought. No, you won’t share these thoughts with lovers, friends or partners; for one thing they wouldn’t understand, and even if they did, they would think you were just being a bit silly. These are your thoughts and dreams alone, but mark me well, they are totally valid. You must fight against your own defeatism… Say you want to open a beach bar in Barbados. That inner voice says “oh you can’t ever do anything like that!” Well, now you have to challenge that voice and ask “why the hell not?”

An occasionally moody month, caused in part by an older relative who feels that they have the right to tell you how to live your life.  You will work hard at avoiding a confrontation, but circumstances conspire to create that confrontation (I’d guess any time between the 15th and 19th) and when this happens, you must not back down! If this leads to an unholy row, so be it!  As a Libran, you dislike arguments or confrontations, but when push comes to shove, you’re prepared to fight in your corner for those things you believe in, and this is one of those times when you do need to put up a fight! On a different tangent entirely, this is quite an exciting month for new romantic interests and young lady Librans may find they are a little bit spoiled for choice when it comes to selecting a partner (or even just a date for the weekend). If you’re free and single there is no reason why you shouldn’t play the field, but do it openly without any kind of subterfuge.  This will push anyone who really is serious about you into trying just a little bit harder!

English winters can be totally miserable, but I hardly think you’re going to notice!  You’ll be wrapped in a blanket of emotional euphoria (well, something like that, anyway) and although it might be blowing a blizzard outside, you’ll not even notice as you snuggle up in front of a fire with someone you love and a bottle of good wine. Not you? Well think on this… It could be! First of all, you have to make someone feel welcome in your life, and perhaps forgo your pursuit of the totally perfect romantic ideal in favour of something which is good and workable on a day to day basis.  You could say this is a compromise, but I’d rather see it as a stepping stone.  Nurture the acorn and the oak tree will grow! Dear old Saint Valentine might spring you a totally unexpected surprise on the 14th and if he does, for heaven’s sake, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.  If nothing else there is a really zingy sexual sizzle in the ether around this time, and if you douse the flame of passion with a bucket of cold water, don’t blame me if you catch a cold!

On the surface things might appear to be okay – even better than okay on most of the days which pass – but beneath the surface there are niggles of frustration and discontent.  It is important that you exercise some self control, and keep those niggles where they belong – beneath the surface! This is not a good time for rocking boats or upsetting apple carts. A partner’s moodiness or their unwillingness to communicate may become an issue.  Don’t push too hard on this one, just back off and give them the space they need to resolve a few issues that are affecting them at this time.  You might think you know what these issues are, but the chances are you probably don’t know the half of it.  You are not being lied to or deceived, it’s just, as I say, they’re just looking for a little head space to sort out a few conflicting issues that probably don’t have anything to do with you at all.  Try to create a light carefree atmosphere within the home and arrange some date nights, even if it’s only to the local cinema or your favourite restaurant.

In most respects February is a reasonably well balanced month. You’ll be getting to grips with new work routines and might even find benefit from experimenting with some relaxation therapies. Above all, listen to what your body is telling you! Dealings with insurance and credit card companies become an issue and you must not allow yourself to be fobbed off by bureaucracy or big business houses. You are not an aggressive person, but you can be extremely stubborn, especially when you’re dealing with any kind of injustice. Well, it seems to me that an injustice has been done, and you’ll be fighting in your own firm but quiet way to put it right.  Fight the good fight and you will win the good fight, and the good news here is that you do not have to fight alone.  A lover, spouse or partner is behind you 100% of the way and through shared adversity you draw even closer together.

A feisty month during which you may choose to allow the instinctive and intuitive side of your nature take the lead;  this might lead to what other people call impulsiveness, but it seems to me that you’ve run out of patience pottering around with patch and mend half measures.  These energies will affect male and female members of the sign in different ways… gentlemen may decide it’s time to buy a new car, something expensive that’s only got two seats (could be worse, could be a flaming motor bike!) while ladies demand a holiday, and sod the Costa del Sol, they want to go to Las Vegas!  Either way it all costs money, and if the money is not readily at hand, it’ll be found one way or the other. This energy is both aggressive and uncompromising and is born of many months, maybe even years, of having to conform and toe the line. Where couples are in harmony in these matters, wow, watch the fireworks and listen to the big bangs. Where couples are not in harmony, sparks will still fly but in a very different kind of way.

Quite an easy and non-confrontational month in relationships and affairs of the heart with strong evidence of a partner’s commitment and dedication.  Finances are stable, although not exactly exciting, and if you’re looking to win the national lottery, sorry, but I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon. Nevertheless, this is a sound and solid month, wherein stability and security are the key words of the day. Valentine’s Day invitations should be accepted, but don’t hedge your bets and don’t change your mind! Travel aspects around the 23rd-24th look interesting, but I don’t think you’re going to the other side of the world or anything like that. Insurance, in all its myriad forms, may become relevant towards the month’s end, in some way above and beyond the norm.  Also, this is a good time for buying and selling, but to be successful in this you need to set some money to one side for advertising.  Word of mouth alone won’t be enough at this stage, especially if you’re setting up some new kind of business.


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