February horoscopes with James Christie

Horoscopes by James Christie… For details of private readings phone 01423 339770 or email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk

ARIES March 21 – April 19

It’s an awkward month for Arians who need to untangle a few strings (a) just to make life easier, and (b) to define a few priorities. Other people aren’t much help at this time because they’re too busy with their own agendas! Decisions need to be made (which were probably put off from last year) and in heart vs. head situations, I’d say follow your heart and tell your head to shut up. Not only does this offer you a shortcut to what you want most in your life right now, but it also (potentially) improves all emotional relationships.

Feb 14th is Valentine’s Day and if I were you I wouldn’t want to break any romantic promises around this time. I get the feeling that your actions and attitudes are being carefully monitored, and if you do end up having to disappoint someone, then there will definitely be prolonged ramifications. There will be the temptation to splash the cash in a big way around the month’s end, and on this occasion, it is a temptation that needs to be avoided – or at least thought about carefully.

TAURUS April 20 – May 20

February could be a tough month for Taureans and there will be times when your patience will be sorely tested. Other people change their minds too many times and various appointments will be cancelled or re-scheduled. One work project will need some third party assistance, but you must be careful not to exert too much pressure at this time – so here again, frustrations caused by impatience!

Most Taureans don’t like the winter very much and although the days may be getting just a little longer, this isn’t going to lift your mood much. Planning (or even dreaming of) long holidays in the sunshine could generate some enthusiasm, but timing as much as finance will be the key issue here. If you’re dealing with any health problems but are not getting very far in finding any improvement, it might be a good time to consider some kind of alternative therapy.

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

A good month for most people born in the House of Gemini, with some encouraging news concerning other people close to you, within and without the family. Finances might not be exciting but they are stable, and something you have had to wait a long time for starts falling into place – probably much to your own surprise! Important correspondence and phone calls towards the month’s end.

Inevitably, there will be an ongoing process of involvement in someone else’s emotional problems and if you are to be of any help, you must remain objective and detached. If you are asked to “lend” someone some money, you need to tread carefully because there is little chance of you ever getting it back. If you can afford to write it off as a gift, that’s fine, but if you can’t, start back-peddling now. Long journeys by road between the 20th and 28th so some motor car maintenance wouldn’t go amiss.

CANCER June 21 – July 22

Cancerians need to be a bit canny and careful throughout February, especially in any tense and awkward emotional situations. Relationships can be stable but only if you avoid confrontation and don’t drag any skeletons out of the closet. If there are any “serious” conversations to be had (with anybody!) make a supreme effort to remain calm, quiet, and collected. Yes, I know this can be difficult when you’re all wound up, but honestly, it will pay dividends in the long run.

Cancerian parents (especially the parents of daughters) might need to have a few serious words around the 18th 19th and 20th and although these words might become argumentative there are a few things which need to be said – which if they’re not said now, could lead to more major conflict later on. Party invitations create a social boost between the 25th and 28th but don’t arrange anything special for the 14th.

LEO July 23 – August 22

A lethargic month for the majority of Leos. Not much energy or enthusiasm with you for anything, so you’ll tend to coast, just taking each day as it comes. This is most un-Leo-like, but for the better part, this attitude works for you – even though it might infuriate a few other people close to you. If someone insists that you make a decision, back off and tell ‘em that if they want it made, make it themselves. The chances are that they won’t and the ball gets kicked back into your court, giving you more time to get your thoughts – and priorities – in order.

Romantic aspects peak around the 14th (well they would, wouldn’t they?) but on this one, you may have to be the initiator. If nothing nice falls into place, say, between the 12th and the 17th, it probably isn’t going to fall into place at all – leastways not as far as February is concerned. A little spike of career/job activity around the 22nd – not enough to cause any great excitement, but enough to add to your comfort and complacency. 

VIRGO August 23 – September 22

February should turn out to be a very busy month for you –and you’ll be glad of it, even if it’s only as a distraction from the domestic turbulence of January (and indeed last December!) While this should be a good month financially, be aware of the fact that there are bills to be paid and accounts to be settled, so budget accordingly. Health aspects relating to third parties may be a concern, but all you can do on a practical level is to be thoughtful, caring and supportive.

To be honest, there’s not much excitement on the romantic front, but established relationships and unions move into a graceful period wherein a greater depth of understanding and commitment can be found and there will be a lovely feeling of pulling together towards common goals. Social plans may have to be changed around the 14th but this should be no big deal even if we’re talking about 11th-hour changes to schedules. I guess that the bottom line advice is not to make too many hard plans for Valentine’s day!

LIBRA September 23 – October 22

A lively month for Librans! It’s a bit early to be full of the joys of spring, but you’ll have a full social calendar and there are quite a few sexy and romantic sparkles along the way. Certainly a good time for meeting new people and making new friends, which could be very useful where jobs and careers are concerned – who you know being as important as what you can do!

On the subject of jobs and careers, there is likely to be a flurry of activity between the 4th and the 8th which may necessitate some change in work routines, and there is a little “travel package” occurring between the 18th and 24th which rather than being vocational, has “work” stamped all over it. A gentle word of warning to those Librans who are driving round in clapped out old bangers, and it’s got to be said that this is not a great month for taking long motorway journies.

SCORPIO October 23 – November 21

A scorching month for Scorpios! Okay, it might be raining or snowing outside, but on a personal level, you’re on fire (a) with the determination to prove a few things to a few people (b) to take chances rather than playing it safe, and (c) not to accept second best in affairs of the heart. This energy and attitude should bring positive and delightful results! You might not be going deliberately out of your way to impress other people but this is something that will happen quite naturally – and while these words apply to all Scorpios, they are particularly relevant to young single females. In some ways, it is the Scorpio guys who might have a few problems when it comes to choosing who they want to be with most… Gentlemen, you can have one or the other, but you cannot have them both. You can try, of course, but you will fail and everyone gets hurt and upset.

SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

A “safe” month for Sagittarius – which is the good news! The bad news is that potentially February could be a bit bland and boring filled with the same old routines! There is some pleasure and delight in the achievements of children, but a partner’s professional dissatisfaction could be an issue – but let’s be honest, there’s nothing new here, is there?

In emotional relationships your role at this time is to be supportive and understanding: the fact that someone close to you is unhappy is not your fault! They are dealing with their own demons and sooner or later will find the right solution to their problems. However, it must be said that they’ll find this a lot easier if they know you are behind them and that you’ve got their back.  

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19

A crazy month for Capricorns – not all of the time, just some of the time! A very heavy workload demanding concentration and long hours, which won’t give you a lot of time to deal with personal or domestic affairs… and on that note, increasingly someone will be looking to you for your time, care and attention. So, just remember there is only one of you, and take some time out for yourself. Developing this theme, if a lover or partner seems excessively moody or uncommunicative, just remember that (a) this has got nothing to do with anything you have done or have not done, and (b) this person has problems you know about – and some that you don’t! Furthermore, the last thing they want to do is cause you any problems, which is something which only adds to their existing levels of concern. Workwise, well there are too many chiefs and you’re the only Indian.

AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18

Quite a cautious month for Aquarians. No quick decisions, no impulsive actions… just a thoughtful few weeks in which you weigh up the pros and cons of various plans and options. There will be some guidance and advice from other people, but here you have to be just a little bit careful. Are you, for example, being advised to do what is best for you – or what is best for them? At the end of the day you are the judge and the jury, but before making any choices, don’t ask yourself what you “think”, but rather how you “feel”… How you feel in your head, in your body, and even in your soul! Obviously, there are financial implications in this process, but money isn’t much good if you’re too knackered and depressed to enjoy it!

PISCES February 19 – March 20

A pretty nice month for the majority of Piscesians. An easy period where jobs and careers are concerned, and with some long-overdue appreciation of your efforts. A sparkle of romance around the 14th (well it is Valentine’s Day) could be quite lovely for you, providing you keep things light and flirtatious rather than doing the hot and steamy thing, which can come later – but only if you want it to!

February is an interestingly reflective period. You think back over the last few years and come to realise just how much you have changed. You are no longer quite the same person that you once were, and tantalising questions hover when you cast a cautious glance into your own future, namely who do you want to be? A little while back you might have said that “I am quite content to stay where I am” – but that was a little while back, and now you’re acquiring new ambitions and a different mindset – so the basic question remains… Who do you want to be in the future? To find an answer to that question you must acknowledge the fact that the question exists.


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