December horoscopes by James Christie

What have the stars got in store for you?

December is always dominated by Christmas, and while Christmas can be a tricky period for a lot of people (and has been for you in the past) this year things seem to work out rather well.  Extra work brings in some extra cash, and domestic routines dovetail without too much trauma or drama.  Travel aspects look good for the 27th, 28th and 29th.

There will be the usual family duties to be adhered to, but you even manage to cope with these situations with a smile on your face… Having said that, parent/child arguments could pop up on New Year’s Eve, or immediately prior to the day, with NYE plans being the cause of the upset.  Don’t get caught out by this one – keep your calm, and speak firmly with a soft voice.  If you have gone along with Christmas plans to please other people, then surely you’re entitled to enjoy the New Year celebrations the way you want to!

Most of you won’t be in much of a hurry to get back to work, but by the time you do get back behind your desk or whatever your daily grind might be, you will do so with some fresh energy and enthusiasm, feeling confident that you can cope with whatever life throws at you.

An easy going month without too many rough edges. Christmas plans seem to be sensible rather than exciting, and if the social aspects of the season seem a little quiet, it’s probably because this is the way you’ve planned them. Budgets need to be adhered to and important reunions immediately after Christmas look likely.  I suppose, if one wanted to be negative, you could describe the forthcoming festivities as being a bit boring – this may be true, but at least they are calm and predictable, and it may well be, especially if you’re in the slightly older age bracket of 50 plus, all that you expect and all that you are looking for.  Even much younger members of the sign can take a certain degree of pleasure out of doing nothing, and I get a powerful feeling that all Taureans will benefit from resting rather than feasting.

I wouldn’t want to use words like “sexy” or “romantic” to describe the December vibe, but there is a lovely feeling of warmth and companionship in relationships and there are some very strong energies of intimacy and emotional harmony. Love is cherished in the glowing coals of the fire rather than the leaping flames.

This probably needs to be a calm and tranquil period topped off by some gentle Christmas cheer, but the chances are you’re going to be flying round like a blue tailed fly, being all things to all people, and making far too many family commitments in an attempt to please everybody.  Stop it immediately.  Sit down and open the brandy! Kiss your partner. Make love. Watch telly.

Even if you are not totally successful in achieving the above agenda, some effort needs to be made, and the rewards will be high. In some ways, the period immediately after Christmas might be the most rewarding, and the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th should bring some welcome opportunities to put your feet up, get your head off the chopping block, and enjoy some genuine R&R.

Gemini parents of grown up children might have to come to terms with the fact that not all of their kids are particularly nice people, and if this applies to you, some space needs to be created in all parent/child relationships… or at least in those cases where relationships have become a bit strained and awkward.

On the whole, quite a bright and cheerful month, and if there are a few frustrations and tensions, you’ll be inclined to sit on them rather than allowing them to bubble over. Workwise, probably a very busy period right up to the 11th hour, but finances look good and the festive season will probably be a welcome oasis of calm.  We hope so, anyway.  I guess it rather depends on you, what you want, and how many compromises you’re prepared to make to get it.

Late December could be a very reassuring period where romantic relationships are concerned, but for this to be the case, let sleeping dogs lie, keep your skeletons in the cupboard, and don’t pick at old wounds. I get the impression of a lover or partner trying desperately hard to please, but they’ll be treading on egg shells and monitoring your responses carefully.  At the first sign of criticism or disapproval, they’ll back off. Maybe this is what you want, and if so, well done… but if it isn’t what you want, well, just keep that critical streak in check and be thankful for what is on offer.

The early part of December looks like being quite an awkward and contentious period, and on more than one occasions you’ll end up as “piggy in the middle” as you try to resolve some of the problems going on around you.  Thank goodness for Christmas!  This allows everyone to back off and calm down and gives you some personal breathing space. Furthermore, the festive season looks like being particularly jolly and rewarding this year as you find yourself willing and able to join in the Christmas spirit, and actually going quite a long way in creating it!  This is unusual for Leos who frequently wear a “bah humbug” face throughout the period – so something (or someone?) has successfully batted the “bah humbug” energy into touch, much to the relief of all concerned.

Among the usual plethora of Christmas cards and greetings, someone you have not heard from for a very long time will get in touch around the 18th or 19th which could lead to further, more important contact post Christmas or early in the New Year.  Old flames could be dangerous, but there should be no harm in reunions with old friends. And even an old enemy might surprise you.

Travel aspects will be relevant for some, while others will be looking into the long term future in search of new homes and different lifestyles. You will find the strength to walk away from old feuds and arguments as you begin to see new possibilities with much greater clarity.  A restful rather than a rowdy Christmas, which gives you time to think and work out a few new plans of action which will become relevant in the New Year.

For younger members of the sign December could well turn out to be quite a sexy month, but care should be taken not to make deep emotional commitments unless you are absolutely certain you know what you’re doing.  Certainly, you’ll be on the receiving end of some sexual attention, and while there is fun to be had, it might be worth your while to question someone else’s motives and their levels of commitment.  Nevertheless, the social aspects seem very bright, and this could turn out to be a very memorable festive season – hopefully for all the right reasons!

December looks like being a month full of changes and choices, compromises and probably a couple of small sacrifices.  If this is the price you’ve got to pay to keep your head above water, then pay it willingly and don’t rock leaky boats. Good money vibes towards the month’s end, so perhaps a “working” Christmas for some? Maybe it’s better to work and keep busy than just sitting there stuffing your face with turkey and watching the box.

There is a welcome hiatus on the 27th through till the 29th or 30th which gives you some thinking space and there could be some interesting travel aspects at this time, even if it’s only a drive over to the coast. In many ways, New Year’s Eve brings more fun than the Christmas bit, and if you’re given the opportunity to let your hair down, then go for it with all you’ve got.  In some ways friends bring a bit more love and laughter than certain members of your family… It shouldn’t be this way, but it frequently is!

While all this is going on you’ll be coming to a number of conclusions and will be making a couple of important decisions.  You won’t act on them – not yet – but you’ll end up with a much clearer vision of what 2019 might bring.

A lot of tension in the wind during the first couple of weeks as you come under pressure from more than just one source. Different people want different things from you which will frequently create a state of divided loyalties – and also just a little bit of anger and resentment.  So many people want to take from you, while so few feel inclined to give anything back. These energies shift around the 14th/15th giving you a clearer run through Christmas up until month’s end. Christmas preparations offer a useful distraction and Christmas itself may bring a rather nice surprise if it turns out to be a lot better and brighter than you’re expecting it to be.

Normally there can be feelings of anti-climax immediately after the festive season, but this year will be different.  A sense of determination and enthusiasm pushes you forwards towards the New Year and you’ll be impatient to get on with things, especially new things which stimulate your imagination and fire up your soul.  Also you will benefit from having a bit more time to yourself during which you can concentrate on your own priorities rather than being beholden to the needs of everyone else.

No rough edges or nasty surprises during the month ahead, and Christmas this year promises to be rather different than some you have known in years gone by. It offers greater intimacy where relationships are concerned, and more flexibility with plans and timetables. Some members of the sign will enjoy a renaissance of romantic and sexual energy, and there is likely to be an absence of noisy family parties and boozy celebrations. Some Sagittarian parents might find they are spending the festive season alone without their (grown up) children demanding time and attention.  While there could be a down side to this, it does make other things possible, and as well as celebrating Christmas, you might also want to celebrate a new sense of freedom! One thing seems certain, and that is that as a result of this December you progress into the New Year with a much greater degree of emotional confidence.

Okay, so we know that Christmas comes but once a year, and we know that Capricorns can be very Christmassy people, but if you’re tempted to push the boat out, just watch those bank accounts, and don’t push it out too far! This should be a lovely month for you, albeit quite busy in many respects, but keep an eye on finances and don’t blow your budgets.

In a number of ways, Christmas this year could be a little bit different to some you have known over the years and the accent is on finding a new depth of meaning and importance in long established relationships.  Single members of the sign will recognise that a friendship, which is just a friendship, could become a lot more than just a friendship, and while this looks like a beautiful energy, it is one that cannot be rushed. Ladies of the sign take note – in this situation it may well be you who has to make the first move!

There are some nice travel aspects towards the end of December, and even if you are not travelling very far, this journey (or journeys) will have some point and purpose.  High points of the season will be December 24th, 27th and 28th.

You should see the end of a number of restrictions which have frequently hindered your progress throughout the year.  Finances seem quite strong, so some of you will elect to either work over the festive season, or if nothing else, put in some extra hours in the run up to the holiday. Relationships and romances get a bit of a boost at this time, so enjoy!

On a sour note, travel and transport may bring some unwelcome problems, so once you’ve convinced yourself that your journey is really necessary, check motor cars and public transport timetables.  The most useful gift anyone could give you this year would be a subscription to the AA or RAC.

On more than one occasion you will find yourself looking forwards into your mid and long term future, and will contemplate taking a number of steps that guarantees greater solvency and fiscal flexibility in the years ahead.  While this is probably most relevant to people aged 50+ even younger members of the sign will be taking a hard critical look at their long term career prospects.

For most members of the sign, this should be a fairly calm and predictable period, but career minded females don’t easily fit into this category, and as such it may be a month of making plans and decisions that will enhance your career profile in the New Year and open the doors to greater financial opportunities.  In other more subtle ways, young females acquire some concept of “girl power” and some seeds of discontent are sown at this time, leading them forwards in the pursuit of some kind of celebrity status.  There’s nothing wrong with ambition, but girls do be warned, the price of success is always much higher than you think!

Male members of the sign might find December to be a bit more of a slog, and while they will acknowledge that they need to fight for what they want, in many cases the energy is simply not there and it will be easier just to go with the flow.  This is okay as long as it is seen as a brief respite or intermission, but it must not be allowed to become a permanent state.  Christmas offers the guys a breathing space, but for a lot of the girls out there, it’s just a bloody nuisance.


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