December Horoscopes by James Christie

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ARIES March 21 – April 19

For your November horoscope, I suggested that you might go a bit OTT, and if you did, well, December is a good chill-out month in which you can gain some equilibrium. Okay, I know you’ve got Christmas to contend with but this time around, it might be a lot better than you expect it to be… Just go with the flow, stay calm, and enjoy the love… And there should be no shortage of that, especially from a partner who probably knows you better than you know yourself and who understands what these last couple of years have been like for you. December might not be what I’d call a romantic month but it’s a brilliant time for finding greater depths of meaning within existing relationships: a caveat here though might be to say that if you want someone to accept you as you are, you need to show them the same courtesy! An interesting travel aspect tickles the senses for that period immediately after Christmas, so maybe this year you might get two Christmasses for the price of one.

TAURUS April 20 – May 20

It’s the “Bah Humbug” month again but this time around, you might actually find yourself getting into the Christmas Spirit, which smooths the way for family relationships and reunions. Work projects (and one in particular) go very well, and there should be a bit more extra cash around than usual – which should put a smile on your face if nothing else does!
Okay, it might not be all wine and roses, but I think you have learned a lot about yourself over these last twelve months and as a result, you’ve begun to look at life with a fresh perspective and a different attitude, which is all to the good when you apply it to the bigger picture of your life. When you look to the New Year, you probably do so with a few elements of anxiety (especially if you’re over 60) but there is also an element of excitement because you see how certain plans and projects are going to fall into place, and this fills you with optimism. Therefore use this Festive Season as a holiday, but go easy on the booze and chocolates.

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

Although you might not be expecting a lot from it, December brings several gifts that have nothing to do with Christmas, and rather than thinking about what you haven’t got, you’ll become increasingly aware of what you have got. Although there are times when you may be tested by younger members of the family, you’ll feel confident and in control. If you’re looking for love, then there should be no problem here at all, but if it is respect that you want, you’re going to have to earn it, and once again, this might mean saying “no” to someone who expects you to say “yes.”

There may be some concern about a minor health niggle around the 15th to the 19th which might mean a minor change to Christmas schedules and timetables, but Christmas itself should bring more than the usual pleasures. Potentially an interestingly romantic period for younger members of the sign (especially those in their late teens and early twenties) while the Golden Oldies enjoy gastronomic orgasms (rather than sexual ones) and maybe a few sore heads from passing the port a bit too often.

CANCER June 21 – July 22

Christmas for Cancerians is a bit like coffee – it always smells better than it tastes! Nevertheless, Christmas this year should bring some pleasant surprises. You’ll put in a lot of effort to make it “work” and should be well satisfied when it does. Work routines are intense until the 13th or 14th but after that, the pressure comes off and you can chill out. Having said that, you might need to make a conscious effort to “chill out” and this might be more difficult for older Cancerians than it might be for younger members of the sign.
For many people, Christmas can be a very nostalgic period, and it is inevitable that we tend to think about Christmasses past… where we were, who we were with, what we were doing, etc. And this mood descends upon you on more than one occasion during the festive season. This mood hits older Cancerians particularly hard this year, but please try not to spend too much time dwelling on the past, but be constructive in looking forwards to your future.

LEO July 23 – August 22

A bright and busy month for the majority of Leos, and on more than one occasion, you can expect to be the centre of attraction. Social aspects for the festive season look great, and somehow I don’t think this is going to be a quiet Christmas. A new romantic liaison could be the icing on the cake, especially for younger singletons. However… if, in the run-up to Christmas, say, 18th, 19th, 20th, there is contact with an old love or an old flame, do be on your guard because this could lead to complications you could well do without.

Leo parents (being Leo parents) are likely to spend far too much money on their kids, and Leo blokes should make a point of not leaving Christmas present shopping ‘till the last minute. This year a cheap bunch of flowers from the all-night garage simply won’t cut it! While you will enjoy the festive season (most of you, anyway) some will be relieved to get to the 27th knowing that it’s all over for another year.

VIRGO August 23 – September 22

December can be seen as a rather restful month, which is no bad thing after the mad dash routines of October and November. Having said that, you’ll be busy enough until the 18th or 19th but the icing on the cake is that you will be enjoying what you’re doing. Christmas itself seems to work on the “family” vibe, perhaps with some travel plans for the New Year. Someone else’s health problem might be of some concern around the 29th 30th but don’t get conned into thinking it’s much worse than it really is.
A lot of ladies will be making New Year’s resolutions, and by and large, they’ll be lost and gone forever by the end of January. Gentlemen will also be making resolutions, which, unlike the ladies, they are likely to stick to. Either way, despite the Christmas thing, December could also be seen as a month of planning and plotting (plotting nicely!) and whatever is left from Christmas budgets will be earmarked for specific purposes and personal agendas in early 2022.

LIBRA September 23 – October 22

Rather a twangy month for many Librans. Part of you quite happily accepts your present situation, but there is an inner core of rebellion that accuses you of being defeatist. Do not listen to this voice! You have already learned how difficult it is to push a snowball uphill, so relax into the mood of the moment and enjoy a fun festive season. This doesn’t mean you have to be docile or compliant, but rather make some plans, bide your time and don’t rock any boats.

I’d expect there to be the usual divided loyalties in the run-up to Christmas – what kind of Christmas will it be? Where will it be spent? Who will it be spent with? How can you be in two places at once? However you tackle these dilemmas, if you please Peter you’ll upset Paul, and if you do find a way of pleasing both Peter and Paul, well, Tom, Dick and Harry are going to have something to say about it. Therefore on this one, there may be some merit in the idea of not trying to please everyone else, and instead, just please yourself for a change. This is one boat you can afford to rock – just a little bit! 

SCORPIO October 23 – November 21

At the risk of being quite risqué, this should be quite a sexy month for the majority of Scorpios, regardless of age, sex, or inclination. One thing’s for sure, and that is there won’t be any shortage of opportunity! Despite any family obligations, it looks like being a romantic Christmas, and I’ll let you interpret that word “romantic” any way you want. Having said that, I do acknowledge that while younger Scorpios might be ruffling the sheets in their bedrooms, older members of the sign might be ruffling the sheets in their imaginations.
Nevertheless, across the board, there is lovely vibration of emotional warmth, and it may well be that totally accidental to the Christmas thing, this turns out to be a period of patching up old quarrels and salving old wounds. Yes, some Scorpios will find it hard to forget old hurts and betrayals, but even here the edge is taken off old heartaches.

SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

I’m not saying that you’re going to be smug or complacent, but December brings you most of what you want and you should have good reason to feel well satisfied. Your nearest and dearest back away from any kind of confrontation, guaranteeing you an easy domestic passage. However, you might want to be aware of the fact that not everyone is quite as content as you are, and if you are close to someone who positively hates the whole Christmas thing, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
Christmas is obviously a time for reunions and family get-togethers, but if someone is missing from your circle this year, just remember that there will be a good cause and a valid reason for it. Christmas is also a very expensive time of year, and I get the feeling that this time around you might be “splashing the cash” a bit more than usual. This is reassuring, because you being you, you tend not to spend money that you don’t have.

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19

The first couple of weeks in December should be a very busy period on the work scene, but after the 13th or 14th the pressure eases quite considerably and you can more or less coast your way to Christmas and the festive season. It will be a very reassuring time emotionally, with someone going out of their way to make sure you have a great time. One very odd but very impressive Christmas present!
In what I will call the pre-Christmas lull between the 15th and the 22nd you will be surprised by someone’s change of attitude (a) towards you, and (b) to the whole Christmas deal. If there has been a “bah-humbug” personality in your family, this year they’ll be more inclined to embrace the Christmas spirit – and I wouldn’t look too deeply into the reason why. Just accept the situation for what it is, and enjoy it.
On a totally different level and in connection with careers and work routines, this is when many of your past endeavours will be acknowledged and rewarded.

AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18

On one level there is a bright and cheerful mood of optimism and goodwill, but deeper in your psyche there are niggles of frustration and discontent. It’s December, it’s Christmas, and here we are again, same old, same old! Nevertheless, the consummate actor that you are, you’ll put on a smile and find a laugh from somewhere. Therefore, superficially, Christmas should go with a swing without too many problems, but subliminally there is that little voice nagging away, saying “There’s got to be more to life than this!”

It is this same little voice that pushes you to look into 2022 and beyond, and makes you realise that you have an awkward choice. You either accept things as they are and make the best of them, or you do something to change things. Following the first option is the easy and safe option (although it won’t do your self-image or levels of contentment much good) but following the second option would be like steering the Titanic into the iceberg, and you’ve got more sense than that. So, for the time being, things stay as they are, but only for the time being, and Christmas of 2022 is a long way away!

PISCES February 19 – March 20

By and large, quite an easy and gentle month and anything which causes you concern and anxiety will be brushed under the carpet to be dealt with in the New Year. Look forward to some unexpected invitations ( the 4th and 5th, and then again the 12th and 13th ) and don’t be surprised if Christmas plans get changed at the last minute to make way for something better than you expected.
One very strong possibility here is unexpected contact with an old friend you haven’t seen for a very long time, which leads to the re-ignition of that friendship, which in turn, opens a few doors of opportunity for you. Another thing to be mentioned here which is probably more relevant to older and elderly members of the sign is some good news about test results… driving tests, medical tests, any kind of tests! The window for this is anywhere between the 20th and 30th of December, so there is something here to lift your Christmas or New Year spirits.


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