April horoscopes with James Christie

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ARIES March 21 – April 19

Boys play with new toys while girls get fed up with boys playing with new toys and decide to play a few games of their own! Sometimes this isn’t going to be a problem, but there are flashpoints around the 3rd and 4th and again around the 18th and 19th. Some domestic remodelling going on with home improvements and DIY schemes. Girls are insistent that this work be done, boys not very enthusiastic… which, of course, is going to wind the girls up even further. A word here to all concerned – if someone wants something done so badly, perhaps they should have a go at doing it themselves?

On a different tack, April is a good month for self-employed people, or those looking to launch a new business. Banking and finance deals fall into place (nice twists around the 25th, 26th and 27th) and there is a nice mood of co-operation and support from colleagues and business associates… Perhaps not quite so much from spouses and partners!

TAURUS April 20 – May 20

April always lifts Taurean spirits, and as the month progresses you’ll be filled with a new sense of purpose and focus. A bit like your Arian neighbour, many Bulls will be committing time and money to home improvement schemes, which should be seen not just as an investment, but also as a necessity. Established relationships seem solid enough, but younger Taureans are vulnerable to the vagaries of romance.

Social aspects are quite bright with special celebrations between the 2nd and the 4th, and family reunions seem inevitable around the middle of the month… People travel some distance to spend time with you! The plastic will get bent on treats and luxury items – you might not be buying a Ferrari, but somewhere along the line, cars are going to cost money! Health issues with older and elderly members of the sign find some stability and improvement – but there still won’t be any parachute jumping or snowboarding down the Matterhorn.

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

In many respects, April looks like being a bit of a messy month… Too many things on your mind, and little or no power to change your circumstances at this time. No choice then, other than to go with the flow and take things as they come – which is, of course, easier said than done! If you find yourself looking forward to a future event that fills you with fear, back off! It hasn’t happened yet and it might not happen at all! 

There is a romantic vibe going on throughout April, but in all honesty, this will most likely be more easily recognised by younger members of the sign in their teens or early twenties. Having said that, and extrapolating slightly on the theme, middle-aged ladies run the risk of completely misunderstanding the motives and manners of a gentleman friend (23rd – 27th) and while there is no real harm done here, there could be some embarrassment and a couple of red faces.

CANCER June 21 – July 22

A rather curious month for the crabs! Things work out to your satisfaction, but not at all in the way you might expect them to. So, there are surprises in April, and nothing goes exactly as planned… I suppose the moral here is to stay loose with your planning, secure in the knowledge that you’re going to get what you want, but not in the way you might expect to get it.

On a different tack, while it is not normally in your character to play Cupid, this is a role that falls on your shoulders more than once during the month, but let me emphasise that word “Cupid” rather than marriage guidance counsellor or go-between. There is a soft and sweet energy here and I’m sure you’re going to be very useful. As for your own emotional state, safe and secure, but very much controlled. Don’t go looking for trouble and you won’t find it.

LEO July 23 – August 22

I’ve got to do a 50/50 split here! Younger members of the sign who’ve got targets and ambitions should be very pleased with progress made in careers and finance, but older Lions whose get-up-and-go has got-up-and-gone will settle for a quiet time, and if the world is going to hell in a hand cart, well, let’s have another beer or open that other bottle of wine. If you’re asked nicely to do something, you’ll think about it. If you’re told you’ve got to do something… It isn’t going to happen. Which might not endear you to everyone who professes to love you!

With regards to romance and emotions, there is a really sticky moment (I think around the 15th) when you accidentally meet up with an old flame or an ex. I’m not sure why, but I think this is going to be awkward for you and will release a load of memories you’d rather do without. Anger, frustration, pain and regret all get dumped into the solar plexus, and I guess the only thing you can do is to learn from the experience.

VIRGO August 23 – September 22

A calming period in emotional relationships, which is particularly reassuring if there have been a few undercurrents of tension over the last month or so. A very busy and profitable period, but probably not until after the 16th or 17th and watch out for some divided loyalties cropping up around the 24th 25th when you might have to choose between new friends and old friends.

There seems to be a spider’s web of road journeys, especially at night, so I suspect not just a change in commuter routes. What can I say about this, other than drive carefully, and be on the ball with motor car maintenance? On the work front, a recently and newly introduced business plan should be working for you, the proof of which will be the pounds in your pocket. 

LIBRA September 23 – October 22

April is not without its challenges, and there is a repetitive scenario that causes frustration when a lover or partner seems hell-bent on doing their own thing without taking you into consideration. Maybe you need to do your own thing, just to teach ‘em a lesson! Better outlook where jobs and careers are concerned, especially around the 18th-20th which is when a colleague falls by the wayside and you step into their shoes. This might not be a promotion that you’re actively looking for but you can’t afford to turn it down when it’s offered.

Parents with children (especially young children) might find they have to lay down the law a bit and make sure those kids know who’s boss… Yes, I know you’re probably tired and it all seems too much effort, but there could be a major problem brewing here, so you really do need to make the effort to nip it in the bud now. We’re not saying that children should be seen and not heard, but we are saying there needs to be some respect and some basic obedience.

SCORPIO October 23 – November 21

Some very high highs and one rather low low… The highs come when you find yourself getting compliments and attention from someone you thought hadn’t noticed you. The low comes somewhere around the middle of the month when you make a mistake or an error of judgement; do you fess up or keep your mouth shut hoping that no one will notice? If challenged, tell the truth, but if not, stay quiet. This situation might give you a tense few days and a couple of sleepless nights, but on the plus side, it provides you with a valuable life lesson.

Some interesting travel energies coalesce around the 24th and 25th and while you might not be travelling all that far, there is a relaxing fun element here. Maybe where you’re going isn’t as important as who you’re going there with! This ties in very nicely with the extra amount of attention you’ll be getting from a member of the opposite sex… And on the subject of sex, I would expect April to be quite a sexy month, on one level or another.

SSAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

Quite a social and easy-going month, with the accent on family matters and especially family reunions. Could be a little bit of travel, especially at weekends, but more probably in the UK than abroad – but having said that foreign holidays will be thought about and discussed and very possibly planned. Partnerships and relationships are reassuringly calm – if just a little bit predictable.

For Sagittarians in their middle and later years, April could be an interesting time for becoming involved with charitable organisations or some non-profit making vocational commitment… On the one hand, this makes you feel that you are doing something useful and on the other, it brings you into contact with some like-minded people who can broaden your horizons. Younger members of the sign won’t be interested in any of this, and they’ll be more concerned with social networking and making a bit more money.

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19

Some continuing domestic disruption is caused by home improvement schemes, but it’s quite exciting and you should be pleased with what is happening. Good news concerning health matters, especially for people close to you, but don’t get so immersed in this that you forget to look after your own health. Work routines are full-on, and you need to monitor your strength and energy. In any kind of job, the more you give the more others will expect, so make sure you get a bit more “me” and “free” time and put it to good use by breaking free from old established routines. Put another way – you need to get out more!

Capricorns, (especially Capricorn ladies) are very good at juggling, which is just as well because throughout the month you’ll be juggling with different issues and priorities. The secret here is to step backwards and deal with one issue at a time, and if a couple of your plates stop spinning and crash to the floor in little bits, well, you always did have a penchant for Greek restaurants!

AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18

Well, I suspect that some decisions have been made since I last wrote this column, and I reckon that you’re reasonably confident that they have been the right ones, and so they have been, but only for the time being! You have put yourself in a holding pattern that provides stability and security, but looking 12 or 18 months up the road you know that there are big changes ahead, giving you a lot to look forward to. Words like ‘retirement’ and ‘new business directions’ spring to mind here, along with ‘career change’ and the need for more ‘spare time’ – so it could be said that while you’re still committed to whatever it is you’re doing, this is very much a ‘planning’ period in your life. Don’t try to rush this process. You’ve got plenty of time to think things through and to define your priorities… One thing though… Don’t keep all your plans and ideas buttoned up inside: share your thoughts and feelings with family and friends, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the degree of support and understanding you receive in return.

PISCES February 19 – March 20

If (and I do only say if ) there are any health concerns this month, then no matter how trifling, get ‘em sorted out post-haste. Pisceans are great at putting things off, but many a mickle maketh a muckle, and you need to monitor your energy levels. While these words might apply more to older members of the sign, even the youngsters are going to get knackered if they try burning the candle at both ends, and I dare say that over the month a few younger Piscesians are going to get through quite a few candles!

And why not? This is an exciting and educational time for young fish who are learning how to swim and flex their fins! Late night parties, important conversations, new faces and new people, and a feeling of being “involved”. Some people will talk to you about moderation, to which I would say RUBBISH! Life is for living, so live it now while you can. Ignore the old fuddie duddies who secretly resent your youth and energy. It is far better to say “I did that” rather than “I wanted to do that but they wouldn’t let me!”


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