So retro

vintage old retro gadgets and electronics

Our world of technology is ever-evolving and faster than we can blink are new gadgets being manufactured. Whilst the latest and greatest technology is all fun and games, there’s nothing quite like a good old look back at the gadget has-beens. So, out of a pure nostalgic yearning to be back in our pre-teenage bedrooms all plastered in Take That posters, we thought we’d take a trip back in time. How many do you remember? 

Throwing it back to 1997, with the introduction of the egg-shaped, pixelated Tamagotchi. When the best thing since sliced bread was seeing your little ‘gotchi grow and then, of course, the devastating moment you came back from school to a blank screen with nothing but a pair of angel wings…

Ahh yes. The GBA. Many a bedtime was spent hiding under your sheets sweating out Sonic the Hedgehog when your lights should have been out. This chunky, handheld game console was every game-lovers best friend for a time. Until the cool, Gameboy Advance SP took over that is. 

Who can forget the days of chunky cassette tapes and listening to story books on long car journeys? The times when fast forwarding to a song took a certain ounce of mathematical. guesswork and rewinding the tape to the beginning took longer than boiling a kettle. 

In hindsight, these furry creatures were terrifying and we’re currently sat here wondering how these ever came to be. Still, they’re part of our history, a 1990s rite of passage. This ear-wiggling, blinking, and ‘Furbish’ talking creature just had to make our list. 

There’s a reason OutKast wanted us to shake it like a polaroid picture, and that’s because this gadget was just so chuffing cool. Cooler than cool in fact. The colour polaroid has been going since the 1960s and let’s face it, it’s not going anywhere. No matter how many models they bring out, these cool cameras will never go out of style. 


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