March horoscopes with James Christie

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ARIES March 21 – April 19

Quite a bright and entertaining month for the majority of Arians who will be taking particular pride in their achievements as a couple of ambitions fall into place. Lots of social activity from the 14th/15th onwards, with some interesting travel plans being made towards month’s end. After having splashed the cash on major purchases, you’ll be reviewing your finances carefully… Regardless of any recently achieved ambitions, you’re looking now to the mid-term future and are playing around with a host of ideas to make life a bit sweeter and easier. The good news is that you won’t be doing this alone, and lovers/partners/spouses will be behind you 100%! Therefore, all things being equal, March should be a rewarding month in affairs of the heart and all things emotional.

TAURUS April 20 – May 20

A better month for The Bulls as solutions begin to be found for longstanding problems, and you get a much clearer picture of where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. Lots of support from lovers and partners, and new domestic routines work well. Many of you will be spending money on home improvements, which may be necessary but are also a good investment.
March 16th, 17th, and 18th are important dates for deep meaningful discussions, probably more of a professional nature but with a strong personal element, which gives you a clearer picture of the way ahead and provides you with a new sense of purpose and optimism. Also, it is a period in which family ties grow a lot stronger, apart from your relationship with one particular child or an adult who is behaving in a very childish way. Even if you go out on a limb to help and support, don’t expect too much thanks or praise.

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

A routine month in many respects without too many highs or lows. The only thing of any great concern here is the welfare of other people, and although it may be difficult, you really do need to maintain a degree of detachment. Social invitations between the 19th and 22nd may stimulate some spending on a new ‘Springtime’ wardrobe – and I don’t mean a big wooden box in the corner of your bedroom!

There may well be one area of tension in a relationship with a younger family member whose self-opinionated stubborn streak gets in the way of their common sense. Not much you can do about this, but nevertheless, you will find their attitude more than frustrating and slightly annoying. Parents of teenage children will be surprised on more than one occasion when the kids show an advanced degree of maturity… that is, apart from spoilt brat Johnnie who needs a kick in the you-know-wheres.

CANCER June 21 – July 22

Cancerians cruise through March without opposition or confrontation, and therefore this is a great time for forging ahead with a few new ideas and putting plans into action which have been on “hold” since last year. Major emotional decisions will be parked in one of life’s lay-bys and you can afford to let them sit there for a while. Therefore, March should be a much calmer month in affairs of the heart.

On a more parochial level, be careful of making travel plans between the 19th and 24th as this could be a tricky period for timetables and schedules being changed at the last minute, and also for transport difficulties with planes, trains and automobiles. If a party or a celebration has to be missed, well, it won’t be your fault! Also, anyone working in IT will probably be beset by a few techy problems at this time. Older and elderly members of the sign, (especially the ladies) must not skip medical appointments and must keep up with their meds.

LEO July 23 – August 22

Time to pull the Leo leggings up and start becoming a bit less laid back and lethargic! March is a month for tackling awkward issues head-on and for making a few (unpopular?) decisions. Money may be a motivating issue here, and financial spending will need a critical review long before month’s end. This might not go down well with a spouse/partner who may have ear-marked your money for some of their pet projects. Obviously, this could lead to some friction, especially around the 6th 7th and 8th and again around the 23rd and 24th but keep your hair on, don’t get too defensive, and above all, let reason win the day.

Some Leo parents will find themselves being drawn into the problems of their children, especially their adult children, and although this might be frustrating and depressing, if you really want to be useful, keep your distance and maintain your objectivity. You’ll be under pressure to pick sides, and need to remember that whoever is telling you their hard-luck story is only telling you their side of the story! This, by the way, will probably be a recurring theme throughout the month.

VIRGO August 23 – September 22

A brisk and productive month on the work scene and a very encouraging month financially. Good business deals and job opportunities seem to coalesce around the 18th to the 23rd – especially for younger members of the sign with specific targets and ambitions. Some fractious moments in emotional relationships (Nobody thinks straight when they’re tired!) but we’re talking here of storms in teacups. Nevertheless, there is a message here, which is to monitor your energy levels, and don’t take on more than you can cope with. At the end of the day, there’s only one of you and you can’t do everything all at once!
Some time will need to be set aside to deal with old accounts, pending contracts, and a plethora of other paperwork which demands your attention. You’ll not be enthusiastic about this, but you can’t afford to ignore it! This is a month-long commitment, with an epicentre of energy coalescing between the 26th and the 29th. If you receive an unexpected business proposition at the very end of the month, do not dismiss it out of hand. The idea may have some long term merit and advantage.

LIBRA September 23 – October 22

The Libran scales of justice definitely tip in your favour throughout March, so… If you’re involved in any kind of legal/bureaucratic wrangle this is when you gain the upper hand! If you’ve been screaming for a bit more money, this is when you start getting some relief. If you’ve been looking for love, but haven’t been finding it, this is when everything starts changing… But only if you want it to, and only if you’re ready for it! Lord knows, there should be no shortage of opportunities here, but I guess it depends on you… If you’re looking for a prince but only the poets are available, I’d choose the poet!

I don’t quite know how this filters in, but animals and animal welfare will be a priority for a significant number of Librans throughout March and there could be some worthwhile connections made with other animal lovers. Also, anything to do with politics – not Westminster politics, but office politics, committees, boardroom and bedroom politics etc. should have a role to play throughout the month.

SCORPIO October 23 – November 21

A scorching month for Scorpios! Okay, it might be raining or snowing outside, but on a personal level, you’re on fire (a) with the determination to prove a few things to a few people (b) to take chances

With the first whisperings of Spring, there is a lightening of your mood and a major boost to both your ego and self-confidence. This has got nothing to do with the weather but has everything to do with your emotional state of mind and the degree of co-operation you’re getting within an emotional relationship. Social and sexual opportunities abound, but please don’t automatically confuse one with the other. Having said that, you’re definitely going to catch someone’s eye this month and stimulate some interest and ambition, and if you need a catalyst to ignite your own flirtatious streak, well, you heard it here first!
On a slightly cautionary note, March is not a good month for making major financial investments and on the job scene, if someone is offering you promotion and advancement, you might want to consider how much extra work you might have to commit yourself to for the sake of a few extra quid. Sometimes, the bird in the hand is worth the two in the bush!

SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

Some serious discussions between partners/spouses on the subject of “The Future”. Not just what is around the next corner but what lies ahead a bit further along the pathway? Where are you going? Where do you want to go? You need to be singing from the same song sheet, and not allow yourself to get distracted by the minor details of everyday life. March is a month for coming to agreements, making plans, and putting some of those plans into action. I say “some” because while you are going to get your own way in many respects there are a few arguments here that you are going to lose and you’re going to have to make the necessary compromises when the need arises.

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19

Another busy month on the job scene, but you’ll feel that you’re “getting there” and should enjoy a boost to your self-confidence. New work routines work well, especially as your load is now being “shared” with a friend or colleague. Some work going on in the home… new kitchens/conservatories/ bathrooms etc… All a bit of a financial hit, but a very good investment.
Some encouraging news concerning all matters appertaining to health – either your own or that of someone close to you. There may be a long way yet to travel, but take heart in the knowledge that you’re getting there – or at least, getting to somewhere better than where you’ve been! Travel plans linking with reunions towards the month’s end should lead to a welcome boost in your social life. Over the last year or so you have probably become far too insular and this pattern needs to be broken or if nothing else, alleviated.

AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18

This may well turn out to be a key month when jobs and careers are concerned. You’ll be given a choice of either sticking with something or walking away from it: your head says stick but your heart says walk – and in this instance, I would suggest you follow your heart! Yes, this might mean some financial restructuring but there should be no problem with that! At the end of the day, money isn’t everything – and while you can’t take it with you, you can send it on in advance in the form of fun, relaxation, and living without the constant companions of stress and pressure. This is true for all Aquarians, but in particular, I address these remarks to Aquarian males in their 50’s and early 60’s, and guys, much as you might recoil from the word I want to whisper that word “retirement” into your woolly Aquarian ears! You need to think about this because you need to think of some of the other key people you have around you as well.

PISCES February 19 – March 20

March is always an important month for Piscesians, not just because of a plethora of birth dates, but because with the advent of the spring, fresh waters cascade through your sign bringing fresh ideas, incentives, and fresh hopes for the future. In the past, some of those hopes have led to disappointment, but this time around, I get the feeling that things are going to be different. Subtly, either by accident or design, over the last year or so you’ve managed to get rid of a lot of the dead weight in your life… friends who were not really friends, priorities and loyalties that were not really priorities and loyalties at all! You now look at life through new eyes and with a fresh perspective, and just in case you hadn’t noticed, these days the world looks different. Your world looks different! So, grasp the nettle, press the pedal to the metal, and on or around the 18th 19th or 20th you’ll get clear signs which tell you you’re heading in the right direction.


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