York Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge returns!

York Dragon Boat Race 2023

36 teams will come together to compete on the River Ouse this month, in support of the annual York Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge. Over the past 21 years, this massive event has raised a staggering total of £1.4 million for a wide range of deserving local charities. Additional to the money raised by teams for their selected charities, the Rotary Club also select two main charities every year to support – the charities for 2023 are the Big Futures Foundation and Kyra Women’s Project. 

Big Futures Foundation, a local children’s organisation, seeks to support young children from low-income families and offer counselling to kids and their parents/carers to help them build life skills, self-esteem, and stronger support systems. 

Meanwhile, registered charity, Kyra Women’s Project assists women of all ages by providing a variety of programmes, therapies, life skills, and events. With further funding, the charity aims to grow its services, providing more women with support by hiring additional course instructors and professional counsellors. 

If you’d like to show your support at this year’s Rotary Dragon Boat Race with a donation, or if you’re just keen to know more about the event and how you can watch, click the link below.


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