The Rainbow Care Group: Dementia day care with a difference

When it comes to finding the right type of care for loved ones affected by any condition like dementia, making the decision is a huge responsibility and an emotional one.

We’re so lucky in York that we have access to the services of The Rainbow Care Group, a six-time national award-winning dementia care provider who have found the perfect balance between stimulation and fun, by employing an ethos of ‘person-centred’ care within a safe environment.

In York they run day clubs in Osbaldwick and Clifton, where they’re offering free taster days for anyone to try out a day with them to see first-hand how Rainbow Care Group do things differently.

Their day clubs — running from 10am until 4pm — cater for a maximum of 12 people at any one time and promote independence, social interaction and activity, cognitive stimulation, and friendship in a safe environment with a high staff ratio, providing full care and support for those who need it.

The six-hour break also allows relatives and carers the opportunity to have some much-needed guilt-free time to recharge their own batteries.

It’s an amazing alternative to traditional respite care, based in a care home, as Rainbow run theirs in community settings. For those who attend it feels more like a club, but the care is specialised and focuses on the needs of each individual. The activities, either in groups or one-to-one, are varied and include everything from trips out, entertainers,

reminiscence, music, games, arts, and craft activities, and so much more, so that everyone can participate.

The group say, “It is our mission to promote dignity and independence, by providing care and support in a safe and happy environment, enabling people to participate in social interaction and meaningful and purposeful activities whilst continuing to live at home. Overall, our priority is to support individuals living with dementia in maintaining the best quality of life possible.”

Make sure you don’t miss out on the fantastic opportunity to attend one of the clubs for free by using the voucher attached. If you’d like more information beforehand head to  or call on 01904 593571.


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