May horoscopes with James Christie

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ARIES March 21 – April 19

An easy-going month in which a deeper degree of compromise and understanding is found within relationships and partnerships, and more often than not, you find yourself singing from the same hymn sheet. Travel aspects tie in with family reunions around the 4th, 5th and 6th and longer distance travel options are looked at for later in the year. A lot of pleasure is being taken at the moment from the little things in life.

TAURUS April 20 – May 20 … star sign of the month

This is very much a healing month for many Taureans, and the word ‘healing’ has many different connotations. If there have been health problems (physical or mental), May should see the turning of the tide – but it is broader than that! Old wounds caused by conflicts and quarrels in the past can now start being put into perspective, enabling you to find deeper qualities of understanding and acceptance, and more recent family rifts can now start being rebuilt and put back together. May is also destined to be quite an ‘educational’ month in which you begin to make sense of some of the crazy and unexpected twists and turns your life has taken over the years: yes, there are still some lessons to be learned, some surprises to be experienced (and hopefully enjoyed!) and your glass, which has been a glass half empty for such a long time, now becomes a glass half full. You will take a certain degree of delight and confidence from this realisation!

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

A frustrating few weeks wherein things do not happen nearly as quickly as you’d like them to – or indeed, as quickly as you have been led to believe that they would! There is some preponderance of involvement with bureaucracy and with people who talk the talk but then trip over and fall flat on their faces when they try to walk the walk. Conclusion? Do not expect too much from others at this time and keep pushing for what you want and have been promised.

CANCER June 21 – July 22

A faster and brighter month than some you have known this year as plans start falling into place, doors that have been closed start creaking open, and people make good on their promises. This latter aspect probably brings the greatest surprise and pleasure, and you may well need to start reviewing your opinions of some of the key players in your life, especially those who have failed and disappointed you in the past.

LEO July 23 – August 22

Probably more money going out than there is coming in, but this seems to be planned budgeting, so we can only hope you know what you’re doing! Certainly, if you’re spending to impress a member of the opposite sex, you’ll succeed in cartloads, so social and romantic outlooks are extremely favourable – especially over weekend periods. Older Leo males who’ve got a few bob in the bank might want to be a bit cautious…

VIRGO August 23 – September 22

Female members of the sign will inevitably find themselves acting as referees and counsellors between warring male parties – and sorry girls, sooner or later, you’re going to have to pick a side! Virgo males, on the other hand, couldn’t care less what is happening in other peoples’ lives because they’re far too busy following their own aiming points and ambitions and will enjoy some spectacular success between the 18th and 24th.

LIBRA September 23 – October 22

A lovely feeling of freedom and independence influences lady Librans, causing them to act impulsively in pursuit of a little bit more fun and laughter. This will inevitably cause some consternation and confusion among friends and family, who will find it hard to understand what you’re doing and why… Gentlemen, in particular, will suffer from this, which just goes to prove you know a lot of dinosaurs!

SCORPIO October 23 – November 21

You may be criticised for doing something which other people have got away with doing for years – in which case I hope you react accordingly and let your displeasure be known. A romantic opportunity around the middle of the month might be seen as a mistake, so proceed with caution. Brighter moods descend during the late days of May, giving you a trouble-free run into June.

SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

A grumpy start to the month when it becomes apparent that you’re not going to get your own way on issues of principle which may seem to be of great importance, but which are not very important at all. It looks like a lover or partner is putting their foot down and making a bit of a stand against your preconceptions of how they should be behaving and what they should and shouldn’t be doing.

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19

One way or another you’re going to be given a much clearer view of your mid and long term future as May unfolds! On a parochial level, there are some highs around the 4th, 5th and 6th counterbalanced by some annoying and frustrating delays around the 18th and 19th when some schedules and appointments will have to be changed at very short notice. Relationships are solid, based on mutual need as much as love.

AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18

An odd month of rather extreme mood swings! Elements of laziness and boredom clash with a desire to achieve something important – not in the future, but right now! Realising that this cannot be done makes you impatient and irritable with other people which causes them to lose sympathy for you, and this, of course, makes you even more pi$$ed off. If I were you, I’d go back to bed, take an aspirin, and look forward to June.

PISCES February 19 – March 20

Certain people (or groups of people) are going to tell you “no you can’t do that!” In times gone by you might have accepted this with a degree of resignation, but this time around you’re going to ask ‘why?’ and demand an answer. When you don’t get that answer or at least a satisfactory one, you will fly in the face of convention, do what you wanted to do in the first place, and see what happens next. Which will be very little. You’ll have called someone’s bluff!


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