May horoscopes by James Christie


What have the stars got in store for you? 

Medical issues may cause some concern during the first few days of the month, but by the 4th or 5th you should be fighting fit, more determined than ever to prove that you’re some kind of super hero. This mood should be tempered with caution and common sense, and although the outlook is good, you should not commit yourself to any kind of extra work load.

STAR SIGN OF THE MONTH: If you need to make a couple of minor sacrifices and compromises, then make them with an open heart. You can achieve much of what you seek to achieve – but not all at once!  There is plenty of emotional support and advice from spouses and partners, but this is a time when some kind of professional advice might carry more impact.

Finances are not a critical problem at the moment, but they may become so unless you practice a bit of belt tightening and common sense. This is a concern exacerbated by someone else’s unwillingness to curb their spending.  Recent gains can be lost if you, or someone close to you, is going to ignore the balance sheets.

Birthday celebrations may bring a couple of unexpected surprises, and there is a good travel aspects between the 3rd and the 6th.  The 9th/10th brings good news where jobs and related ambitions are concerned.  The 20th onwards sees you taking a sideways step, and letting someone else carry the flag. Some fresh leadership and some new ideas are useful at this time.

They say that youth is wasted on the young, but at the moment, it is younger members of the sign who seem to be making most of the progress and enjoying most of the fun.  If you don’t fall into this category, take a leaf out of someone else’s book, and rather than acting your age, act the age you’d like to be! Much to be gained and nothing lost

A wonderful opportunity comes your way, but if you say yes to it, you’re really going to upset someone close to you! This is a no win situation, and all I can say is fortune favours the brave!  Intense emotion in relationships can be beautiful, but also quite exhausting. However, if you’re single and you’re looking for love, this could be your lucky month!

It’s spring, so this is a natural time for the birth of everything from children to new jobs and better and brighter ideas for the future. Self doubt is probably your biggest single enemy, so kick it into touch, and rather than playing it safe, be prepared to take a few calculated risks. A direct and honest approach in affairs of the heart gains you brownie points!

You will feel under pressure as increasingly other people look to you to provide the impetus of leadership.  Don’t wobble on this one – just gird your loins and get on with it, because the bottom line suggests that you are the best leadership candidate right now.  You need to be strong for other people close to you, and at this time, that’s all that really matters.

Librans are not by nature secretive souls, but nevertheless there are occasions this month when you’ll be playing your cards very close to your chest.  There are plans in the wind, but you won’t want to share them with anybody until you’re sure of a positive outcome. Anything to do with new knowledge and education should be highly significant.

You might not want to be “in charge” but this is a role thrust upon you and other people will not make decisions ‘till you have decided what you are going to do first.  Tackle any obstacles head on to gain victory and triumph, and as the month unfolds you’ll find yourself on the receiving end of thanks and appreciation, especially from the 22nd onwards.

Quite a rosy month in affairs of the heart, and giant strides forwards will be made in any new or recently budding relationships.  Travel aspects tie in with family reunions, but some families will experience a diaspora as younger folk fledge the nest. Long term finances under review, as you will be practical and pragmatic when it comes to doing your sums.

Capricorns can sometimes be rather isolated, and some effort needs to be made at this time to improve and expand your social circle.  New faces bring fresh energy and help generate new ideas.  It might be a good time to consider joining a club or taking on some kind of sport or hobby that brings you into contact with other like-minded people.

May should start calmly enough, but there is some turbulence in the wind between the 8th and the 22nd which might bring changes to work routines and some domestic tension. Everything finds is back on an even keel from the 23rd but you’ll feel a bit battered and bruised.  You’ll also feel a bit happier where finances are concerned. Anything owed gets paid.

Probably a good money month with something beneficial falling in to place around the 9th.  Travel aspects (even if we’re only talking about holidays) will be relevant, and there is a “fun” mood taking effect from the 18th or 19th onwards.  New emotional confidence coincides with a boost to your financial confidence, the one going hand in glove with the other.    


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