March Horoscopes with James Christie


What do the stars have in store for you this month?

March promises to be a busy and energetic month. New work routines make you feel more in control, and whether you like it or not, you will have to assume the leadership role.  On the home front there may be some patches of frustration and boredom, but the initiative to bounce things up a bit is definitely in your own hands.  Others will be happy to follow your lead.  On the work scene there could be some tricky negotiations with bosses and managers, especially between the 15th and the 21st. You have targets and ambitions, but cannot achieve them without the co-operation and good will of other people, therefore some tact and diplomacy will achieve more than aggressive demands and confrontations.  Some of you, especially in the 50+ age group, may well be negotiating your own personal Brexit strategy.

Quite a bright month for the majority of Taureans.  Spring is just around the corner and you should have a bit more energy on tap. Some new banking arrangements put a little more cash in your kitty, and this is a good time for making careful investments. Partnerships are solid and stable, with some nice romantic tingles for the young and fancy free.


Money needs to be used carefully at this time, but it may be hard to define what is a luxury and what is a necessity. It might be a good idea to listen to the advice and opinions of partners and spouses, rather than acting on any kind of independent impulse.  Work routines are somewhat predictable, and if you have long term targets and goals, it might be worth remembering that while they can be achieved, they cannot be achieved overnight and not without a bit more hard work and commitment.

You begin to reap the reward for past efforts and will receive evidence to indicate that recently made decisions have been the right ones.  The 19th is a particularly auspicious date for receiving important family news, and the latter days of the month should see you planning parties or preparing for an important reunion.  Furthermore, this is a period in which you should experience a distinct shift in the pattern of your social life.  New people, new faces, new friendships all open the doors to finding a bit more fun and lifting your spirits.  Younger members of the sign might find that they are burning the candle at both ends, particularly between the 19th and 23rd but there’s no harm in that, and you shouldn’t be afraid of taking a few little risks in affairs of the heart.  Older Geminis, say 55+, can also have some very good times and enjoy a bit of spontaneity, but they do need to be sensible when it comes to monitoring health issues and energy levels.

A much better month than February.  You’ll feel much more in control of your own life, but there will be numerous temptations to back-slide and change your mind about recently made decisions. Try not to do this because it will undo all the gains to have recently made.  Stick to your guns and maintain faith with your values and principles.

Cancerian parents might find themselves in conflict with older children.  If the aforementioned children are under 16, you might have a chance of winning, or at least, finding a compromise which might constitute a draw.  If they’re older than 16, you’re going to lose, so you might as well save your breath.  Cancerians without children can breathe a sigh of relief!


Female members of the sign, say between 40 and 60, may need to do something practical to alleviate levels of stress… and the key word in that statement is “practical”. Yoga, meditation, long walks in the country, etc., will probably be a lot more effective than tablets and tonics.

While romantic and emotional relationships seem to flourish, a few friendships may need to be reviewed at this time.  You’ve got something that someone else wants, and they’re not at all happy about it! There is a peak of tension around the 17th 18th and 19th and this is a time when you should discover just who your tried and trusted friends really are.  If someone falls to the wayside, this may be quite sad, but you’ve simply got to let them go.  If apologies are called for, it is not you who needs to make them!


There are some interesting travel aspects around the 21st, and there is a noticeable boost to levels of confidence and clarity during the last days of the month. Links with people overseas are likely to become more relevant at this time, and long distance intercontinental journeys will be contemplated and discussed.  A few members of the sign will be looking at the political climate and the weather patterns, and may well be considering a permanent move out of the UK.

On one level this is a busy and profitable month, but there are times when you’re going to find yourself in a dreamy state of mind as you consider other life pathways.  You need to spend some time here working out what is a practical possibility and what is just some crazy notion. A key answer to questions asked falls into place on or around the 22nd.


Not just partners, but anyone who is close to you emotionally, may be giving you some odd looks at this time: usually they know what you’re thinking, but right now, you’re keeping your thoughts to yourself and are something of a closed book.  This is your business and nobody else’s, but do be aware of the fact that more than one person may be wondering what they have done to upset you, when in fact they haven’t done anything at all. With this in mind, it wouldn’t hurt to take those people you care for, and who care for you, just a little bit more into your confidence.

A smoothing of ruffled feathers and a calming of stormy waters creates better relationships with those closest to you, and while you don’t want to rock any boats, you must make a point of holding people to their word and not allowing them to wriggle their way out of recently made commitments.  Someone will be trying to do this around the 13th and 14th and again around the 21st and 22nd.  You won’t want to make a fuss, but on the other hand, you cannot just let someone break their promises with impunity.  There are some lovely sunny times ahead for you, but right now you’re still a bit bogged down in the swamp.  So, find the high ground, dig in your feet, and start kicking some ass!

This should be a lovely period for all affairs of the heart, and if it isn’t, you’ve got to ask yourself why?  Ask the question and you will get an answer, and can then start changing things to your own emotional advantage. There are some good travel energies around the 23rd or 24th and this should give you time to re-evaluate some of your priorities. This might be easier said than done, because while you are fairly sure about what you don’t want, what you do want is still a bit vague and wobbly in your mind.


Legal aspects may have some relevance at this time, but a different way of interpreting this chart is to suggest that inner feelings of unfairness and injustice are now being dealt with; inner feelings of angst are being released, leaving you feeling rather more carefree and relaxed than you have felt for a long time.  This has got to be something worth working towards and looking forward to. 

Events start falling into place which make you feel much brighter and more confident, and some earlier compromises and sacrifices should start being rewarded. Lovers and partners work hard to please, and it seems important that you should make some effort to respond in kind. Parents of grown up children should make a point of remembering that they are grown up!

Having said all that, March could be an awkward and pivotal month for some members of the sign, and there are all sorts of aspects bouncing around in the background and along the margins. Sudden changes of plans, necessary journeys undertaken at short notice, news of a passing, news of a birth, an unexpected invitation to a wedding, someone sharing a very deep and personal secret… nothing is off the agenda… and I’m just getting hints and clues here, rather than any kind of clear evidence.  So, if March does turn out to be a bit of a crossroads month for you, suffice to say, I shall not be too surprised. Give me a ring on 01423 339770 and let me know what happens.

Some sort of financial review taking place at this time and March is a good month for organising some new banking practices which can ease the monthly outgoings.  These issues might some disagreement within partnerships, but we are not talking about arguments or quarrels, only disagreements which will demand some compromise.  You might feel the need to concentrate on pressing issues which are relevant in the here and now, while a partner or spouse will be much more concerned about long term security; there is some common ground to be found here, but you’re going to have to go and look for it.


January and February may have been tricky months on the work scene… too many changes going on leaving you feeling out of control… but as March unfolds some semblance of sanity returns and you should find yourself getting on top of things and pulling a few rabbits out of hats, which is guaranteed to get you noticed and appreciated a tad more than usual.  Therefore, any vague plans you might have had of quitting your job in favour of running a donkey sanctuary on the Isle of Skye, will be put on hold for the time being.

Some of the pressures of life seem to be easing at this time and you are likely to become rather more philosophical in your outlook.  You will remember that Rome was not built in a day, but will be pleased to see new foundation stones being laid than can provide greater long term stability and security. If you feel the need to speak your mind, do so quietly and gently. Also, do it honestly, and if someone does not like the sound of what they are hearing, this is much more of their problem than it is yours.


Certain aspects of life are beyond your control, and like most other people, you get tossed about on the winds of fate… But some aspects of your life are firmly within your grasp, and the trick is knowing which is which. Things happen which you can’t stop from happening, but you can control your reaction to events, and maybe this is what I’m talking about here.  Sometimes we have a lot more choices and options than we think we have, and you would do well to keep this in mind in the days ahead.

Most Piscesians are going to feel safe, tucked away in their own little worlds – but a few are going to start feeling tense and claustrophobic, and will inevitably start looking for opportunities to break free from routine and start looking to distant horizons in search of change and adventure. Therefore, March could be described as a safe and stable month for the majority, but a very exciting time for the minority.  Now, the question is, which one are you?  In which camp do you fall? If you can come up with an honest answer, it puts you in the position wherein you can call the shots and make the choices.


I would have thought that as far as romantic aspects are concerned, all members of the sign are on to a bit of a winner at this time.  If you’re looking to consolidate an existing union, this should not be difficult, providing you’re prepared to follow the “safe” pathway. If, on the other hand, you’re looking for something new, then the “adventurous” pathway is definitely the best pathway to follow.  There is one major snag here, insofar as you can’t have both at the same time! 


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