How to make a bulb lasagne

How to make a bulb lasagne

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. 

And no, this is not a lasagne made of pure garlic like our Scott in Design initially guessed. This clever little plant invention is not to be eaten but is a great way to give your garden blooms a boost next spring. 

The idea behind a bulb lasagne is that you layer a range of bulbs on top of each other in a pot so that you can enjoy a variety of blooms across late winter and spring. Spring bulbs need planting in the autumn, so this is the perfect job for your September gardening to-do list. Curious? Follow the steps below to grow one for yourself:


To get started, choose your bulb varieties. Tulips, hyacinths and snowdrops are great options if you’re new to this. You will also need a large pot and peat-free multipurpose compost.


Start by adding a small layer of compost to the bottom of the pot and pat it down.


As a general rule, the biggest bulbs need to go in the deepest as they are the latest to bloom and the smallest ones should be planted at the top, as they are the earliest to flower. Pop the tulip bulbs on the surface of the compost with their tip facing up. Fit in what you can and keep them spaced about a bulb’s width apart. Once your first bulbs are in, cover with a layer of compost. 

Do the same with your hyacinth bulbs, and then again with the snowdrops making sure that the bulbs aren’t directly on top of each other. Once everything has been planted, your bulb lasagne should be ready to be watered.  


Your pot needs to be left in a sheltered spot for a time until shoots begin to appear in spring. When this eventually happens, move the pot into a more sunlit area and just remember to keep on top of watering your plant. Once your bulbs have finished flowering, you can dig them up and plant a fresh bed ready for next autumn. 


The bulb varieties mentioned above are just suggestions but if you’re feeling particularly creative, you can choose any combination of spring bulbs…
go wild!


If you can’t wait till spring, you can also make the most of your little display by planting some winter bedding plants at the top of your lasagne for an early pop of colour!


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