Horoscopes: March 2024


A curious month. Do you try something new or do your play it safe and work hard at preserving the status quo? On an entirely different level, do you undertake a journey (and I mean a physical journey here) or stay put and save yourself the time, effort, and money? These are two entirely different issues, but you’ll have mixed feelings in both cases. Help is on hand from a caring member of the opposite sex who will prove their friendship by telling you exactly what they think – in an honest and supportive way!

ARIES 21st MAR – 19th APR

Maybe a couple of awkward issues this month concerning change or possible change. Do you stick with the devil you know, or take a chance on the devil you don’t know? This conundrum can be applied across the board… relationships, cars, holiday destinations, etc. If you can take the time to work out all the pros and cons in detail, this attitude should help, but if it comes down to a choice between heart and head, this time around follow your head!

TAURUS 20th APR – 20th May

Financial priorities are being looked at across the board. Travel plans are being made for April, with strengthening family ties with people and places south of Yorkshire. Interesting news from overseas around the 10th and 11th and a boost to your social life around the 19th and 20th.

GEMINI 21st May – 20th Jun

Good news and bad news! The good news is that March is one of those months when you start getting a lot of what you want and what you’ve been looking for, but the bad news is that you’re going to have to work like hell to get it, always remembering that there is no such thing as a free lunch! Having said that, quite an exciting few weeks in which new doors open when old doors close. Your social life should become increasingly “interesting” as the month progresses.

CANCER 21st JUN – 22nd JUL

You may well come in for some criticism from other people, but you must stick to your guns and have faith in your own beliefs. If you have to tell an old friend to back off, this may be sad but necessary. Some low moods coalesce around the 9th but lift by the 15th –this is a period in which you should not make impulsive decisions. You will be stronger by the end of the month than you were at the beginning, even if it does feel like a bit of a slog at times.

LEO 23rd JUL – 22nd AUG

It seems like there might be a few extra responsibilities being dumped on your shoulders at this time, and while this is a situation you can’t easily wriggle out of, it does provide you with a few opportunities to prove your worth, especially to other people who have got into the habit of taking you for granted. 

Nevertheless, duty and loyalty to others do impede personal ambitions, and while this may be both frustrating and annoying, there isn’t much you can do about it, other than grin and bear it. On the plus side, this does bring you closer to one very particular special person.

VIRGO 23rd AUG – 22nd SEPT

March is a month of secrets being brought out into the open. You’ll learn a few things about yourself that you never knew. It is certainly a time (for better or worse) of seeing yourself as other people see you. Maybe you’ll start seeing other people in the same way. Some discussions about the property, love it or list it, and watch out for a spot of ill health around the 16th — a foody tummy thing, and I warned you about those oysters.

LIBRA 23rd SEPT – 22nd OCT

Last month it was all about fun and romance, while this month it’s all about jobs, careers, and money. There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy the best of both worlds, but you’ll be following your head much more often than your heart. Practical matters will be uppermost on your agenda. The creative side of your nature will also be highlighted, things bode well for the self-employed, especially if you are working in farming or any kind of conservation.


A gentle and romantic month, especially for the youngsters out there. Older members of the sign also benefit from a period of emotional calm and stability. This is not the time to drag skeletons out of the closet or go scratching old wounds. Some time (and money) is spent on home improvements, especially in connection with roofing and central heating.


Some tension and conflict in relationships, especially if you are not being open with your feelings and views. One partner wants stability while the other is looking for change. On a brighter note, a “go-getting” attitude on the job front serves you well, but there are some changes to work routines which must be dealt with, especially around the 19th and 20th. A very rewarding time for anyone involved in sports, especially competitive sports.


Some lovely opportunities are being presented to you at this time, and you’d be a bit of a twit to turn them down. Saying yes opens the door to meeting new people and getting a bit more fun out of your social life. 

Relationships enter a new period of positivity, and a partner should be going out of their way to be more encouraging while helping you do more to achieve your targets and ambitions. Don’t be afraid of breaking a few rules and trying something new.

AQUARIUS 2oth Jan – 18th FEB

A mood of emotional calm and togetherness prevails at this time as old wounds and arguments are swept under the carpet.  Good. Go out of your way to maintain this status quo! Some special celebration or social event around the 7th or 8th brightens up the calendar and anything to do with either the church or a religion affects your moods and your thinking. If you have any tech skills – computers and social media etc. you may well find your services are much in demand at this time.


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