August Horoscopes by James Christie

Horoscopes by James Christie

Horoscopes by James Christie. For details of private readings phone 01423 339770. Email:

ARIES March 21 – April 19

A lovely month for lazing around and doing absolutely nothing… Unless it’s something you’ve absolutely got to do… but even then you’ll try to put things off. Now, this attitude may not go down too well with lovers and partners who feel that you should be doing something, but you know exactly what you’re doing… you’re resting, pondering and thinking, and that can be quite exhausting.

Nevertheless, this mental sabbatical does give you chance to redefine some of your priorities, especially when you look at your long term future: younger members of the sign come to realise there is no point in rushing forwards if they don’t know what they’re rushing forwards to. Middle yeared folk consider all the time they’ve wasted doing things they haven’t wanted to do and decide to do things differently from now on. Senior Arians stop pining for the “old days” and begin to make more of the present days. It seems to me that all Arians, especially the gentlemen of the sign, might start raising a few eyebrows. Life may be a little quiet during this late summer, but there are echoes of thunder rumbling in the not so distant autumn.

TAURUS April 20 – May 20

I would have thought it to be a relatively easy and trouble-free month in which you’ll find the energy and inspiration to explore some new ideas – albeit in your own time without any great pressure. Relationships with partners and spouses are stable, especially if you can be sympathetic towards a partner’s needs at this time. You might not be under pressure, but this is not the case for others around you.

Finances may have taken a bit of a hit over this summer period, but there is nothing here that you weren’t expecting and budgeting for, and at least you should be getting some tangible benefit from your expenditure. There are encouraging signs for fiscal improvement throughout the autumn, as plans which have been delayed more than once during these periods of Covid lockdowns, now come online and start bearing fruit. In connection with this, perhaps some bank accounts are being closed while new ones are opened, and some interesting inter-bank transactions.

Family bonds, especially with more distant members of the family, will be strengthened during this late summer period and I would expect at least one reunion with an old friend or friends that you haven’t seen for several years.

GEMINI May 21 – June 20

Like your Arian and Taurean neighbours, August provides breathing space for you to sort a few things out in your head and regain a new sense of priority and perspective. You may well come to realise that some of the things that you want at this time in your life are the things that you have already got… This enables you to relax and re-direct some of your energies.

Children, especially young children, are likely to be the cause of some irritation: if they are your kids, then maybe a bit more consistency in discipline might be a good idea, but if they’re someone else’s kids, you might find yourself walking on eggshells. Any kind of criticism or censure will bring swift retaliation, so tread carefully. Older members of the sign, grandparents, for example, should not allow themselves to be used or taken for granted.

If there have been some ongoing health concerns August looks like being a turning point in your favour, and a very high percentage of Gemini born people will still be thinking about property deals and possible changes of address.

CANCER June 21 – July 22

A hot and sticky few weeks (even if you’re living in the Arctic) are caused by some of the stubborn streaks you encounter in lovers, partners and other people close to you. If you agree with them, all is well, but if you don’t (and you won’t) you’ve either got to back down, or risk rocking the boat by sticking to your guns, and damn the consequences. Frankly, I’d rock that boat!

Travel aspects look likely for a high percentage of Cancerians, but journeys (especially overseas) could be fraught with delays and unforeseen circumstances that cause as much stress as they bring pleasure. Someone else’s health problem between the 16th and 22nd could upset the apple cart of travel plans and timetables. To add insult to injury, August is one of those months when you could be a little bit accident-prone.

On a significantly brighter note, the end of the month brings invitations to family celebrations… think engagement parties, weddings, christenings, etc. Sure, you might not want to go, but hey, come on, make the effort, okay? 

LEO July 23 – August 22

New friendships, new associations, bode well for new romantic interests, and regardless of your sex and age, there should be more than just one avenue of interest. Rather than holding out for “the impossible dream” may I suggest you grab what is available and see where it takes you. You have a lot to prove to yourself right now (especially given your emotional history) so this is not a time for vacillation or any kind of dithering. 

Fortunately, although not flush with the ready stuff, your finances should permit a bit of extra expenditure on leisure, pleasure and entertainment – and this is not an extravagance, but a necessary investment in your own self-worth and self-image: at the same time, especially in pursuit of finding a relationship that actually works in the long term, you need to be as open and as honest as you can about who you are, what you want, where you’ve been and where you want to go in both the short term and long term future.

Towards the end of the month, there will be news of an ex-partner’s bad luck or misfortune, and maybe you’d be less than human if part of you didn’t think “serves you flaming well right!”

VIRGO August 23 – September 22

In some ways a difficult month because there are some decisions to be made and you won’t know what to do for the best. You may look to partners to give you an indication of what they want to do, but they are maddeningly vague and seem to be leaving everything up to you. So, you have two choices: either you make the decisions and risk censure if they turn out to be wrong, or you kick the ball back into someone else’s court. The chances are it’ll bounce right back again, but it might be worth a try.

August may bring more than its fair share of “technical problems” and for this think unreliable broadband, cars that cough and splutter, fridges which defrost for no apparent reason, erratic mobile phone services etc. Not a lot you can do about this but weather the storm and deal with each problem as and when it arises. On a slightly different tangent, anyone running a business that needs media advertising needs to be on their guard against cock-ups caused by the ineptitude of third parties.

LIBRA September 23 – October 22

There are some rather lovely inner feelings of smug self-satisfaction meandering through The House of Libra at this time – and why not? Things are falling into place just the way you hoped and planned and there is lots of attention coming your way – not from everyone, but just from the person who matters most in your life. Therefore, it’s a good time to consider long term future plans! Libran ladies under the age of 30 are prime targets for new romantic liaisons and adventures, while Libran ladies in that 30-50 age bracket will find a handy shortcut to success in all business and career aspects.

Unfortunately, it is Libran gentlemen in their middle and later years who seem to carry the weight of problematical situations throughout August. Some of them want to sit on a mountain top in Tibet and write metaphysical poems about love and life, while others are so fed up (a) with themselves and (b) with everyone and everything else, that they want to march into Waitrose and start screaming “go to Aldi” at tops of their voices. Obviously, they can’t or won’t take either of these escape routes, so they’ll fall into the category of being grumpy old men – some of them being deliberately recidivistic, just to make a protest.

SCORPIO October 23 – November 21

Emotional issues are put on the back burner for a few weeks while you concentrate on more practical matters. There is quite a lot happening on the job scene throughout the month, and you might have to get used to some new work routines. There could be a problem with tiredness caused by trying to do too much at once, but the tinkling of cash registers should be music to your ears. Long working hours seem to be increasing rather than decreasing, and the 5th to the 11th and the 21st to the 27th seem to be the epicentres of periods when you will need to be particularly alert and on the ball. On the plus side, there will be no shortage of recognition for your efforts and dedication, both from peers and from bosses, but the question is will this be enough.

Just because emotional issues are on the back burner does not mean to say that your love life is devoid of activity, but it’s rather like the oasis in the desert rather than the sand. For relationships to flourish, some quality time must be dedicated to them, not just the last few hours of an exhausting day, so do what you can to find the right balance, and under no circumstances take a relationship, especially a new relationship, for granted.

SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

You’ll feel that you’ve got to get out there, make a bit of noise and sell your ideas, but just remember that there are times when “less is more” and I think you can benefit by backing off a bit, letting other people come to you, rather than it being you who is chasing after them. Certainly, you could apply this to relationships, but the tactic is just as valid in all business and professional matters as well.

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19

Now one could say that this might be a boring month, but on the other hand, we could just as easily talk about stability and predictability, and after the year you’ve had so far, those commodities could be seen as precious gifts. An interesting interlude between the 18th and 22nd when financial priorities come under the microscope, and some newfound determination to improve your self-image.

On the plus side, while you will not be “coasting”, August should turn out to be a pressure-free month on the work scene, which will help you catch up on a few outstanding work-related issues, more or less in your own time. It is highly likely that towards the end of the month you will be offered some kind of promotion, which you will almost certainly decline. Other people may be a bit surprised by this decision, but it seems to me you know exactly what you’re doing. New challenges can be exciting, but not for you and not at this time. It seems to me that you have finally begun to accept the wisdom of the old adage “you work to live, but do not live to work.”

AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18

There’s the old cliché of “keeping up with the Joneses” but how might you react when this particular “Jones” is a member of your own family? To be sure, there may be more than just a spark of pride, but equally, there might be undercurrents of envy and resentment. Take a big breath, and one step backwards, and do not compare your own achievements with the achievements of others. Indeed, those other folks’ achievements might not have been possible in the first place had you not been there for them in the early days of their success story.

Travel aspects in this late summer period are quite strong, but I think we are talking more about overland drives rather than overseas flights. Anything to do with insurance should be relevant, especially between the 23rd and 29th or 30th. Younger females will be spending money on their personality and their appearance, while middle yeared guys will be spending money on their appearance as well, by going on diets and taking out gym memberships.

Health issues, regardless of age and sex, will probably concern knees and backs. Dunno how I know this, so just tell me later whether I’m right or wrong.

PISCES February 19 – March 20

More than a few crossed wires where communications are concerned. Now, this could mean problems with telephones, broadband, letters going astray etc., but on a personal level “did they mean what I thought they said or didn’t they understand what I thought I’d told them?” Ummm… take a big breath, sit someone down in front of you, and let’s have a major (and very candid) clearing of the air!

On a different tack, this should be a very productive month for younger members of the sign who have some clearly defined career ambitions, and if there are any kinds of “tests” you should pass with flying colours… doesn’t matter if this is a driving test, an entrance examination test, a medical test… I still think you’re going to pass, okay? Older members of the sign may have tests of a different nature… can I trust my own judgement? Can I trust this person to tell me the truth? Put these questions to “the test” and you will not be disappointed with the result.


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