August Horoscopes by James Christie

LEO… Star sign of the month

A fun time for the boys and an annoying time for the girls. This is probably because the boys are having fun while the girls are not! Either way, the accent is on leisure and pleasure, and social aspects are very bright and interesting, especially for Leos in their late teens and twenties. Older Leos enjoy more modest, but much more meaningful delights. Nostalgic anniversaries arrive towards the month’s end.


If some plans need to be changed at the last minute, go with the flow of this because they’ll be changed to your long-term advantage, even if you don’t see it in that light at the time. Whether you act on them immediately or not, I don’t know, but you will be making some very important decisions in the third week of the month which will affect your long-term future security and stability.


This may be a month for reviewing the value of a few friendships and associations. You seem to be in more than one give-and-take association wherein you do all the giving and someone else does all the taking. No tantrums or huge arguments here, but just the birth of some quiet resolve which suggests you’re going to be about the business of redressing these imbalances.


There are some dangers here affecting younger members of the sign who may be inclined to act just a little bit too impulsively and go marching into situations where angels fear to tread. Good advice for all Scorpios is to enjoy what is on offer but don’t look for more than what you’re getting. A measured approach to all choices and decisions serves you best, both in business and in affairs of the heart.


A bit of a boost to your social life with unexpected invitations to engagement parties and weddings. If a family member is coming to you for advice, advise them as an objective friend and not as a mother/father/auntie/uncle, etc. It’s quite a good money month, especially if you find yourself on the receiving end of some refund or the payment of an old debt.


In many respects quite a lovely month for the majority of Capricorns. There is a feeling of positive progress being made on the work scene, with praise from bosses and some extra cash in your pay packet. Also a thoroughly brilliant family reunion (probably mid-month) with someone you haven’t seen for ages, and in more ways than one, August is party time so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!


If you find yourself getting a little tired of carrying the can for other people’s clangers, this would be a good time to dig in your heels and make it clear that you’re not going to be doing this anymore. August slips by relatively uneventfully, but you’ll be looking at calendars and diaries and counting down the days to a very special date later in the year which will represent a major change in the pattern of your life.


A lovely month for building new friendships and emotional relationships and it seems to me that there will be a member of the opposite sex going out of their way to please you in any way they can. I hope you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth or let old wounds and scars get in the way of accepting what is on offer at this time. While there is some safety in solitude there is a lot more fun to be had in numbers.


Okay, it’s August and the season of the summer holidays, so no wonder there are some strong travel aspects in your profile. However, where you go may not be nearly as important as who you go there with and what you do while you’re away. This is a month for making spontaneous emotional decisions, but just because they may be spontaneous doesn’t mean that they will not be important.


There should be enough going on in August to ignite your enthusiasm and imagination. More than one reunion in the middle of the month, both involving some degree of travel. Relationships which have stood the test of time should be rock solid, but new relationships have a few ups and downs in the process of finding their groove. Work routines are fairly predictable: no financial threats but no major gains either.


Many members of the sign will find August to be a laid-back and restful month – which is really bad news if you’re looking for some excitement and adventure, but really good news if you’re not! Some people will find it easy to cherish the simple things in life, while others, perhaps the younger generation, will be champing at the bit with frustration and impatience.


Anything to do with property is high profile this month and there will be some big chunks of money invested in your comfort and long-term desires. On a different note, there is not a lot of physical energy with you at this time, so pace yourself and take events in your stride. Parent and child relationships still represent an area of tension, especially if you’re dealing with teens and young adults.


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