April Horoscopes with James Christie

What do the stars have in store for you this month?

Totally unexpected surprises on or around your birthday put a smile on your face which leaves you in a good mood for most of the month. Last minute journeys lead to important family reunions, and there should be some satisfyingly good news on the work front.  Romance and relationships go through a very harmonious period and if oil needs to be poured over troubled waters, the oil can is in your hand.  This is a healing period, and as such, not only can old emotional wounds be healed, but if there have been health problems or concerns, then you should now find yourself on the mend with a lot more positive energy to spare.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th are great days for putting some old ideas into action for the first time, and possibly for becoming a bit more independent in your working life.  Hobbies could earn you money, and part-time jobs lead to something more rewarding.  At the other end of the month, around the 28th, 29th and 30th there is a possibility that you might become just a little bit accident prone, so mind how you go.  Check anything and everything to do with insurance and make sure cars are in working order.

With the advent of spring your moods and levels of energy increase significantly, and you’ll be busy doing things you’ve put off all winter. Work projects auger well and there could be career moves afoot for ambitious people who like a challenge. Travel plans being made late in the month, and there will be in depth conversations about long term finances.  Basically, at this time, there is more going out than there is coming in, and this cash flow must either be halted, slowed down, or reversed.  Unfortunately, other key players in your life will only pay lip service to this idea, and if they’re holding the purse strings, there may not be a lot that you can do other than to lead by example and keep reminding them that Marmite is a luxury and not a necessity! 

Communications are particularly important at the beginning of the month, say the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th and this will probably be a period in which you have to make long and awkward phone calls or write strong letters of complaint.  Frustrating dealings with red tape, especially local government departments who think they can get away with murder! The political activist within you is definitely looking for some payback.

A busy period on the social scene, and this should bring opportunities to meet new people who will make your evenings more exciting and make the days seem brighter. There is an obvious romantic connotation here, but it goes further than that: parties, business networking, and who you know being more important than what you can do!

This has obvious ramifications on the work scene, and putting it bluntly, you need to practice a bit of sweetness and light in dealings with colleagues and work mates because you’ll need them on your side if you seek to persuade managers and bosses to do things your way rather than their way, or the way it’s always been done.

Parents should be pleased (and relieved) by the achievements of their children, especially in the period from the 24th right through ’til the end of the month.  It eases family tensions and gives you one less thing to worry about… And on the subject of children, older members of the sign should now start charging for baby sitting services!

Ladies of the sign might have a problem with ex-partners who are looking for some payback, while gentlemen of the sign will be far too busy in pursuit of career ambitions to notice what is going on around them. Both the guys and the girls need to pull back a bit, find some objectivity, and if something needs to be put right to balance a score, now is the time to do it. In all fairness, it must be said that the gentlemen might enjoy more success in this quest than the ladies, perhaps because they are more emotionally detached.

A couple of unexpected bills land on your mat towards the middle end of the month which will cause you to reassess financial priorities and might even cause some conflict in partnerships.  This issue needs to be resolved calmly and sensibly without getting your knickers in a twist, and you will find some common ground somewhere along the line as long as you don’t just push the issue under the table.

Cancerian mothers should be able to find greater rapport with their sons, but a word of warning here – teenage daughters are likely to become a right pain in the ass if they can get what they want.

A mood of nostalgia hits people of a certain age, but it’s no good dwelling on the past when you should be considering your future – both the short and the long term.  Having said that, you can learn much from past mistakes, and something occurs between the 17th and 21st which will make these words of mine make a lot more sense!

Younger members of the sign will find themselves becoming a wee bit competitive, either in sports, or careers, or in pursuit of romantic ambitions.  No harm in this at all, and you’re right to think that it is not the playing of the game which is important, it is the winning! If you can maintain this attitude, you should be on to a winner!

The period between the 23rd and 29th will see you acting on decisions you have made a little while ago, but have not put into action until now.  This may surprise some of the key people around you, especially if you are breaking with old priorities and traditions, but we all need a few surprises now and then to open our eyes and look at life differently.  This is certainly true of some of your friends and kinfolk.

April should be a good money-making month, but I reckon you’re going to be working hard to get it, and there is some risk of stretching yourself a bit too far if you insist on burning the candle at both ends. Sound and sensible advice from a very close friend will not sound good in your ears, but you’d be a bit of a twerp if you ignored it completely, especially if you are being advised to pull back a bit and takes things easy.

The 7th through until the 12th is a fortuitous period for coming up with a couple of good ideas, but you’re advised to sort out all the details before trying to put them into practice.  A half-cocked plan seldom works out the way it should, so take your time and dot the Is and cross the Ts before leaping into unknown territory.

There is quite a buzz of sexual energy coalescing around younger members of the sign, and April could turn out to be a very exciting month, more in affairs of the bedroom than affairs of the heart, but hey, one thing can lead very easily to the other, so enjoy your youth and go for it, full steam ahead!

In some ways, quite a thoughtful month in which you’ll be inclined to judge people more by their actions than their words.  Some disappointment around the 11th is compensated for around the 19th or 20th and it will be a clear case of the opening door being more advantageous than the one which closed. The thing is, though, that you’ve actually got to go through that door to discover the truth of this prophesy.

Although it is early in the season, travel aspects and holidays look like they might have a high place on your agenda… either that, or you’re planning journeys, or one could interpret this information in an entirely different way and just come to the conclusion that you are very much in need of a holiday.  Either way, it looks as though more money than usual is being spent of leisure and pleasure pursuits, and however modest or extravagant, a little bit of cash spent on oneself seems to be a jolly good investment.

Good job and career opportunities in the offing for independent Libran ladies and the 20-30ish age group. New offices, new titles, new clothes.

A lover or partner (or someone who would like you to see them in this light) will be going out of their way to please and impress, but you are a Scorpio, and it wouldn’t be the first time you looked a gift horse in the mouth. Nevertheless, a promise will be made around the 12th or 13th and if you choose to put the promise to the test, you won’t be disappointed. Having said that, you have to be realistic. If you’re a 50-year-old matron, some raunchy hunk of 25-year-old masculine beefcake is unlikely to be knocking on your door… but someone will be knocking, and it would be silly not to give them a chance.

Impressionable females in their mid to late teens should not be taken in by the smooth talking flattery of an older man who “only wants to help you, my dear” – the kind of man who gives the rest of us guys a bad name.  A percentage of younger male members of the sign will be thinking about their sexuality and wondering which team they should be batting for. Older men, either the entrepreneurs or independent business people, will be looking for and finding new pathways to greater profitability.  If you are considering major investments, however, far better to use someone else’s money rather than your own.  Time to talk to the bank!

All domestic and family matters are at the top of your agenda at this time and there may well be some big changes within family dynamics. You look back with sadness over losses and disappointments, but this releases you to find fresh confidence and vitality when you look forwards. Property sales could be relevant, leading to greater financial security. Recent events may also have given you a different perspective where finances are concerned: you can’t take it with you, but you can send it off in advance, or better yet, spend what you’ve got and enjoy it in the here and now, then at least you’ll have something tangible out of it.

There are some repetitive travel aspects on a north/south axis, and trans-continental travel is a subject also under some discussion, especially if you have any links with North America.  Parents will be pleased with the achievements of their children, but some will experience moments of panic when they realise that their role as The Parent is rapidly becoming obsolete.  Unfortunately, children do have the habit of growing up and this inevitably takes many parents by surprise.

Quite a lot of stress on the work scene, but take a few big breaths and measure your energy, and you should be able to keep your head about water. Lots of love and care coming from lovers and partners, and if there are areas of friction, it’ll be on the subject of money – not so much where it’s coming from, but how it’s being spent. You need to avoid tit-for-tat arguments with regard to who spends how much on what, but just find some common areas where the brakes can be applied.

If you’re under a bit of work pressure there may not be much time for leisure and pleasure pursuits (not a lot of energy either!) but do your best to get out and about a bit more, and make a point of joining in the social circles around you.  There are a lot of Capricorns out there with tired eyes (some of them square from spending too much time in front of TV or computer screens) and trips to your local optician might help in this respect. Perhaps you could use new specs as the foundation stone for a whole new look, and on the subject of stones, spring is here and this is a great time for making an extra effort to lose a couple of them. (Stones, that is, not springs!)

A long standing burden, which has also been an expense, is now lifted from your shoulders, and you will find yourself breathing a sigh of relief as you enter a period of greater fiscal flexibility and freedom.  Major purchases are in the offing, and it must be reassuring to know you’ve got the money to pay for them!

There is probably nothing much exciting happening on the work scene right now but you can look ahead to a time when there are likely to be major changes in this department of your life, and it would do no harm to start making a few preliminary plans.  For some, this might mean learning a foreign language, for others it could indicate looking at pension and retirement plans and packages.  Also, although I don’t think there is likely to be any immediate action on the subject, property will come under review, both its sale and its purchase.

Relationships with partners and children seem to be stable enough, and indeed, if you’ve got grown up kids, you might need to remind a partner that they are grown up!  However, there could just be a few areas of tension in sibling relationships, relationships with brothers and sisters if you’ve got ‘em.  Looking at the info I’ve got littered all over my desk, I’m pretty sure you will not be the cause of this, but it may well fall upon your shoulders to rectify the problem – if you can.

Quit and easy going month for most of you – those who wish to preserve the status quo. However, those folk who are looking for change and adventure will be challenged to actually do something to bring this about, because it isn’t going to happen all on its own. The 15th to the 20th is an opportune period for rocking the boat and taking a few calculated risks… not reckless gambles, but calculated risks.  This might not be quite so scary as it sounds, because whoever you are, no matter what kind of Piscesian you might be, there is an undercurrent of energy which says that the status quo might be okay for now, but not for the rest of all time, and there have to be some changes to your life style somewhere along the line of your future pathway.

I’d like to bring your attention to the five day period between April 17th and April 22nd because it is in this window that you may well be given a glimpse of a different future to the one you’ve got planned, or assume that you will be moving towards.  Given my earlier words, this might give a few of you the wobbles, while for others it brings a sense of excitement and enlightenment.  Don’t wobble and just enjoy the excitement.


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