Horoscopes – January 2019

As you look ahead into 2019 you know this is going to be an important year for you, especially in connection with jobs and careers.  There’s a time table with a countdown factor, and although there may be just a little bit of anxiety there is also a huge charge of excitement. January brings a mood of confidence and determination, with lots of co-operation from lovers and partners.

This element of co-operation and pulling together is maintained throughout the year and there is a romantic vibe going on for younger members of the sign. New relationships and powerful commitments generated in the summer months with some exciting travel aspect in the middle of the year, which should be something more than just a holiday jaunt.  Also, it has to be said, that which starts as a holiday romance could end up become a life time partnership!

Older members of the sign, particularly gentlemen, may need to become a little more health conscious.  There is nothing drastic or disastrous here, just a chronic niggle… I’ve got gout, he’s got tennis elbow and she’s got housemaid’s knee!  These ‘conditions’ sound like a bit of a joke, but they’re not very funny if you’re suffering from them, so don’t suffer in silence.  Get some help and get these niggles sorted.

A rather thoughtful start to the year. You become aware of the fact that there is a three-way game to play, finding the balance between energy, ambition, and opportunity. You cannot make gains in any one department unless they are backed up by gains in the others. You are also aware that you cannot succeed alone, and therefore the co-operation and good will of others is absolutely vital. I’m pleased to report that those qualities are available in abundance, not necessarily from everyone, but certainly from the people you care about and who care for you in equal measure. 2019 is a year when you will find greater depths of meaning and mutual dependency within a relationship, and if there are any hiccups they will only be very small ones.

One particular work project will be a constant theme throughout the year and you’ll find yourself progressing steadily towards a specific goal or target.  You may be impatient, but do not rush this process, and again, if there is help and assistance on offer, do not think you’ve got to do everything all on your own.  This pathway leads to some financial reward, but more importantly it represents the achievement of a major life ambition.

The winter months may be a bit of a slog, but with the advent of the spring, you come alive and can look forward to a bright and vibrant summer!

A good start to the New Year with some fresh moods of confidence and determination.  You know that there must be some re-alignment of family loyalties, and will quietly start working to bring this about. You need to find more leisure and pleasure time for yourself, both for your physical well being as well as your mental health. Partners and spouses will look to you to take the lead.

There are some interesting and interweaving travel aspects throughout the year, but rather than seeing “long journeys across water” it is more a case of a weekend here and a weekend there and four nights around the corner.  Nevertheless, these breaks are important because they provide opportunities for taking a breather and recharging run down batteries.

Younger members of the sign probably won’t be troubled by run down batteries, and for them this should be a bright and busy year, filled with more than their fair share of fun and frolics, but it is certainly relevant for older members of the sign, say 60+ who should make of hay while the sun is shining.

Not an easy start to the year and you’re going to have to fight to make your voice heard and your priorities understood. You are looking for some changes – maybe not very big ones – but there is opposition from people who want to maintain the status quo and keep things exactly as they are.  Can you put up with this for the sake of a quiet life? Sorry, but I really don’t think you can!  Therefore it seems inevitable that you might have a few battles on your hands, especially during the first quarter of 2019, when you have to shove a stick of dynamite under someone’s backside to get them moving – one way or the other!

There are some very vibrant career and money energies coming together in the early summer, which gives you something to focus on and sets an example to other people. This process also enhances bank balances. Changes of address probably won’t happen this year, but your thoughts will dwell on this subject, and there’ll be no harm in checking the property market from time to time.  A few of you may even be looking at properties overseas as part of some long term master plan.

There are some nice things happening for younger Cancerian mothers, but the mothers of grown up children might have to put their foot down on matters of family principle.  Ah, children can be such a disappointment, which is why I have cats!

As the New Year opens you realise the worth of good friends and allies who come to your aid when you need it, sharing and lightening the load, and making the point that you do not have to do everything on your own. It is important that you accept what is on offer from people who love you, don’t let your pride get in the way of your common sense, and do not look a gift horse in the mouth! Providing you’re prepared to follow this simple advice, 2019 could turn out to be a beautifully romantic year for you which should see one key relationship progressing from strength to strength.

The summer months should see younger members of the sign fledging the nest and finding a new sense of freedom and excitement, and also this is a brilliant period for people at the beginning of their career pathways to take a giant stride forwards: there are new jobs in the offing and the promise of more independence and greater responsibility. To some extent this should prove that past efforts and labours have all be very worth while.

Just a final word on the subject of romance… New relationships are the most powerful and potent way of forgetting old heart aches, so do not allow your past hurts sap your confidence and courage when it comes to making new starts.

A light hearted month for some and a restful month for others. January gives you the opportunity to catch your breath and plan your next moves without pressure or tension.  Advice from lovers and partners should be invaluable, and relationships which can pull together towards common goals should flourish.  The late days of the month bring some lovely romantic surprises!

Some change in work routines around March should come as no great surprise – this is something you will have planned and prepared for, which leads to greater financial confidence over the long term future. Having said that, in the March/April period you need to keep a sharp eye on accounts and make sure you are squeaky clean just in case the tax office wants to take a peep over your shoulder.  Investments, long and short term, and including the purchase of property, are well starred at this time.  A word of warning though, if you are looking to make investments of any kind, avoid stocks and shares.  Today, as I write this in November of 2018, we still have a stock market… but that might not be the case by this time next year!

Quite a bright financial start to the year with changing job routines, possibly even new jobs starting, and the feeling that you’re climbing up a couple of important rungs on the ladder. I don’t think you need to go looking for these opportunities, because they will come knocking on your door! Financial confidence breeds emotional confidence, but take care not to put the cart before the horse.  I said that to a friend of mine the other day and he hadn’t got a clue what I meant, so let’s put it this way… The guy with the gorgeous car can usually find a pretty girl friend, but there’s no guarantee that a guy with a pretty girl friend is ever going to end up with a gorgeous motor car.  I know that sounds crass, but you get my meaning, right?

Single Libran ladies should listen to their mother’s advice and keep taking the pill – have fun in haste and repent at leisure!  Single Libran males are probably going to be more concerned with the practical aspects of life, and won’t be in much of a mood to make long term emotional commitments.  Older members of the sign have a much better time, finding or enhancing existing unions, and overcoming the usual problems in life by joint efforts.  Therefore, while 2019 could be a very romantic year, those in the 40 – 60 age bracket gain the most.

I suspect that January could turn out to be a very sexy month for you, especially if you’re of an age wherein you can recognise that the way to a man’s heart is not through his stomach (as your mother might have told you!) but through an entirely different part of his anatomy! There are new faces, new people, new adventures and new opportunities waiting in the New Year, and the bright events of January are just a taster!  Even in the face of opposition your optimism and enthusiasm won’t be compromised, until around mid-April when you are going to start getting a bit angry and fed up with other peoples’ negative attitudes.  This is a period when relationships (not necessarily romantic relationships but certainly emotional relationships) come under a bit of stress and pressure, and the fracture lines might start showing in one same sex friendship that is a wee bit past its sell by date.  All Scorpions are going to feel this trend, but it is the younger members of the sign, late teens and early twenties, who will feel it more forcefully and acutely.  Notwithstanding, 2019 is a powerful year for identifying long term goals and targets, and it is an important year for asserting your independence and your individuality.  People either take you as you are, or they don’t – but if they don’t, you’ll be ever more inclined to turn your back on them and just walk away – then it’s up to them to decide what they want to do next if they want you to have any role to play in their lives.

Lots of optimism with you as you enter 2019 and there are certainly some good things to look forward to throughout the New Year. However, in the short term you need to be a little bit patient and keep any critical thoughts you may have to yourself.  Tact and diplomacy win the day and you need to allow the softer, more intuitive side of your nature hold sway, over both your actions and your words.

Long distance overseas travel is something which brings a degree of excitement and expectation, and you are not going to be disappointed. Sagittarian parents, mothers in particular, are going to be proud (just a bit too proud?) of the achievements of their offspring, and if there is a boastful side to your nature, this is where it is likely to show in flashing lights!  On the downside, it may also be a year to say goodbye to someone who needs to move on from this world to the next, and you should handle this with stoicism and practicality.

Long term partnerships tend to flourish, but it could be an up and down year for youngsters who are frantically searching for the “right” partner, and making all of the usual mistakes in the process.  Finances are generally sound, but this is not the year to splash out of expensive luxuries.

A gentle entrée to the month which is no bad thing if it extends the holiday season and gives you a little more time to rest and recuperate from 2018 which was a very heavy year for you.  This is doubly relevant because it looks like you’re going to be very busy on the work scene from 8th or 9th onwards, during which period there will be an unexpected stepping stone or springboard which launches you into a much more exalted position later in the year.  Cash may be a bit tight during the first months of 2019, but there is some significant improvement around late April or May (which you probably cannot foresee, looking ahead from this point in time.)  Health issues should not be a problem (not for you anyway) providing you monitor your energy levels and pay some attention to diet and sleep patterns.  Prevention is better than a cure!  Emotionally 2019 should be a very rewarding year for you: singles find solid unions, while those in long established relationships find a greater depth of meaning.

In relative terms it might not be important, but during the late summer period there may be a tough decision concerning a car.  Do you hang on to what you’ve got, or upgrade to a later model?  Travel aspects are also quite good during the summer period, and although we might only be thinking about holidays, they could be very important if you haven’t had one for a while!  Do you splash the cash or paddle in Whitby?

I need to split this up a bit.  Aquarian females enter the year in a romantic haze of hope and potential happiness. Aquarian males, however, are far more interested in cash and careers, and if they are thinking about romance, it will be in the context of sexual conquest rather than lifetime commitments.  This might not apply to older members of the sign, but even so, the sexual imperative will be high on everybody’s list.  Whether it is sexual or psychological, one way or another there is a new boost of energy affecting you throughout the year, and although obviously it will affect different people in different ways, overall there is a mood of determination to get things done, change what needs to be changed, finish things that you started and somehow have been left dangling.

The downside of all this is that you don’t want to be stopped or slowed down and you are going to be particularly impatient and uncompromising. Therefore on those occasions when you do meet with some opposition, the sparks might tend to fly…

And talking of flying, long haul flights look probable both in the early summer and again in the autumn. Logically we might only be talking about holidays, but at least in one instance it will also tie in with family reunions.

A very lovely start to the New Year where all emotional relationships are concerned. New romances for some, new strength in old unions for others, and above all, a great feeling of emotional confidence when you look ahead into the mid and long term future. Pregnancies and births are on the agenda for some, and for everyone, some recognisable reward for past sacrifices and compromises.

Even single and solitary Piscesians will take greater pleasure from their own company, but this won’t prevent them from being dragged out of their isolation when the bright lights beckon, and a member of the opposite sex is showing unmistakable signs of interest. Whether you’re 16 or 66, male or female, my advice is just the same… Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and if someone is offering you the moon, don’t hold out for the stars!

Piscesians in their middle and later years will be looking at long term financial options. They want to improve their levels of security but without taking any risks.  This is a difficult thing to pull off, and there has to be an element of speculating to accumulate. Avoid paper and promises, and put whatever money you’ve got into something hard and tangible rather than, say, the stock market.  This will be a recurring theme of thought throughout the broad sweep of the year.


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