York International Women’s Week returns from 3rd to 9th March 2025

International Women’s Week is back in York this month — bringing with it 40 engaging events, two exhibitions, and two full activity days.

As with previous years, the week-long programme will continue in the mission of advancing vital conversations about female empowerment throughout our city.

This year’s theme is ‘Looking Forward, Moving Forward’. The message is best explained by one of the programme’s co-founders Ann. She said, “Coming together is as important as ever for a better future, to discuss challenging issues, to try new skills, to look after ourselves as well as others, to think both locally and globally – and also to have fun in our lives!”

“Let’s look forward, move forward, and make a difference together – do come and join us for one event or many during this special week in York.”

The events programme features talks, crafting sessions, open mic nights and comedy workshops as well as music and tap dancing, clothes swaps, woodland activities, theatre performances, and reusable feminine hygiene sewing. Attendees can even contribute patchworking as part of a global peace project.

The key conversation topics that that will be discussed over the course of the week range from climate matters (both internationally and locally) to women’s stories from Palestine, alongside the need to make space for women & girls in parks, wellness, cyber safety and the effect of disability and gender on health & social care.

All the events are run by local people of all ages and backgrounds who are keen to make every space accessible and welcoming to everyone across our community. Most events are free and open to all, with a few specifically reserved for self-identified women, or self-identified women and non-binary people.

Most events are in step-free venues, and many have accessible loos. Organisers are willing to help with access as much as possible.

The programme is co-ordinated by of local volunteers. To see the full programme, browse www.yorkwomen.org.uk, @YorkWomen social media, or contact the group on 01904 702060 or at yorkwomensvoices@gmail.com.


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