Co-produced with Evolution Productions, the talented cast and crew bring the magical All New Adventures of Peter Pan to York Theatre Royal. Starring CBeebies’ Maddie Moate as Tinkerbell, this family-friendly production is set to be a fun adventure, with plenty of magic, music, and a little bit of mayhem.
To be in with a chance to win tickets for a family of four (two adults, two children) to see this panto on Friday 16th December, simply answer this question:
Which CBeebies star plays Tinkerbell in this year’s All New Adventures of Peter Pan panto?:
1. Maddie Moore
2. Maddie Moate
3. Maddie Mood
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘York Theatre Royal Panto Competition’ to the address on page six or to The closing date is Friday 9th December. Terms and conditions apply.