Theatre Review: Showstopper! at York Theatre Royal

York Theatre Royal
By Charles Walker

I must rather shame-facedly confess to not having previously heard of ‘Showstopper! The Improvised Musical’ despite it having a BBC Radio 4 series, an Olivier, and a well-received West End run – from which it recently migrated to the ever-wonderful York Theatre Royal. 

Unlike a typical musical Showstopper! The Improvised Musical has no set script or pre-written score for each night’s performance and instead the show is created on the spot from audience suggestions.

Quite how this could work in practice I had no real idea, however as soon as the curtain rose it was obvious that the anticipation crackled in the air from an audience populated with a number of seasoned veterans of previous performances.

From the outset, the energy was infectious. The cast, an evidently very talented collection group of improv experts, wasted no time warming up. With a twinkle in his eye the compere, Sean McCann, invited audience suggestions, and with considerable wit guided the audience through a selection process which resulted in the theme for the night’s show becoming a 1920s murder-mystery.

The beauty of Showstopper! lies in its ability to weave spontaneous wit with impressive musical improvisation. The performers are not only quick on their feet comedically, but also adept at creating catchy melodies and lyrics that fit seamlessly within the chosen genre. Whether it’s a heart-wrenching torch song or a toe-tapping pop tune, they deliver it with remarkable conviction.

A large part of the show’s success rests on audience participation. The suggestions provide the springboard for the performers’ creativity, and the more outlandish, the better. The audience becomes an active participant, its collective energy fuelling the comedic fire on stage.

Showstopper! is more than just a comedy show; it’s a celebration of musical theatre and the power of improvisation. It’s a testament to the creativity and quick wit of the performers, who can spin comedic gold out of thin air. If you’re looking for a night of side-splitting laughter and unexpected musical delights, then look no further than Showstopper! Just be prepared to have your suggestions mercilessly (and hilariously) turned into theatrical gold.


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