Scarcroft pupils’ Busking Band raises £1300 for new school library

When eleven-year-old pupils Sam and Juno leave Scarcroft Primary to head to secondary school this September, they’ll be leaving behind a legendary legacy. Thanks to their hard work, and fantastic musical talent, the two-person busking band have raised an incredible £1300 to help their school design a brand-new library!  

Having started out as rival acts at a local talent show, Sam and Juno eventually teamed up to form the “Scarkeez” busking band, with Sam on drums and Juno on piano and vocals.  

If you’ve wandered down Parliament Street on a busy weekend you will have heard them busking away and belting out bangers like “Let it Be”, House of the Rising Sun” and “Seven Nation Army.”  Having heard about their amazing contribution, we went down to meet up with the dynamic duo to get the lowdown on all they’ve been up to. 

It’s lovely to meet you both, could you tell us a bit about the amazing fundraising you’ve been doing?  
Juno: We did it for our school library. 
Sam: They’re like doing a renovation to the school and changing stuff around and they needed new books and stuff.  
Juno: It’s to say thank you for what they’ve done.  

I heard you managed to keep the whole operation secret from your teachers, but what did they say when you told them how much money you’d raised?  
Juno: We brought it [the money they’d raised] in like a bag and then we came into the office and we put it in front of them.  
Sam: … but like they were [acting] quite normal just seeing two people walking into the office, and then they saw in the bag was money!   
Sam: it was the head teacher who was in the office, and she was like, “is this for us and stuff?” 
Juno: And then she was like. “This is so generous!” And then she hugged us.  

Did you keep it secret from your friends too?  
Sam: a couple of people found out ‘cause someone in my class was in town when we were busking and [they] showed people at school. They didn’t know it was for the school or anything though.  

Sam and Juno in their Scarkeez band t-shirts

Whose idea was it to start busking?  
Juno: Well, my dad had the idea. And then I invited Sam.  
(Juno’s dad) David: I think you’ve been busking for about two years. Well; Juno’s been doing it for about two years, and then they used to see each other every year at the talent show, and then they thought it would be a good idea to sort of join up and do a band. They were raising quite a bit of money between them, which they’ve been investing in equipment, but they wanted to give something back to the school.  

From the videos I’ve seen, you play a lot of what we’d call classics including The Beatles and The Animals, so who chooses the setlist when you’re out busking?  
Juno: My dad! But like my favourite band is The Beatles and then Imagine Dragons which Sam suggested.  

What’s your favourite song to play while busking?  
Sam: I mean, people like “Let It Be?”  and “Seven Nation Army.”  
Juno: I like singing “Teardrop.” [by Massive Attack]  Yeah, that’s my favorite one to sing.

Even though you raised all the money you needed, and you’re both headed to new schools, will you keep on busking?   
Both: err, yeah!  
Sam: I’m not sure when, but like we’re probably just gonna, like, meet here [Sam’s house] because the drum kit’s here, every now and again and do practice. And then do some busking.   

If you’d like to follow in Sam and Juno’s footsteps by helping out the school with a donation, head to

You can watch videos of Sam and Juno’s live performances here –


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