What if I told you that for your next costume party, or the next time you step out with your kids for trick or treating on Halloween, you could strut around in a piece of York’s theatrical history —for as little as £15!
Having heard this unlikely rumour for ourselves, we went over to the York Theatre Royal costume hire department, at the unlikely site of an industrial estate in Osbaldwick, where we found out that the costume hire service at York Theatre Royal isn’t just as good as it sounds — it’s better!
Entering the costume hire warehouse is a bit like the start of one of the Narnia films. On one side you enter from this typically industrial world of concrete and tarmac, with vans and trade signs to your left and right, and on the other side, as you pass through their front door you arrive into a realm of pure magic.
They have just shy of eight tonnes of brightly adorned outfits, prop pieces, shoes, hats, dame dresses (most of which were worn by Berwick Kaler himself) and more!
Almost everything — from Viking armour to 1930s-esque pinstripe suits, Elizabethan ballgowns, a dress made to look like its wearer is inside of Clifford’s Tower, and 1970s flared jumpsuits are available for hire, and they all have an incredible story to tell. As each one has been worn on stage by any of the iconic actors that have passed through the theatre. Two of the most popular items are the dresses Miriam Margolyes wore when she appeared in Chekov’s “The Cherry Orchard!”
We are also greeted by the incredible Pauline Rourke, who has been the Costume Hire Supervisor ever since the department was first set up three decades ago.
Pauline said, “First and foremost we’re the wardrobe store, so our main function is to store all of the costumes that belong to York Theatre Royal. The second bit of the operation is the hire business. So, we hire out to anyone with money, or wine, or biscuits!”
“It’s right for the people of York that these costumes should be available, not just to hire but come and look at. It’s history and it’s part of York Theatre Royal’s archive.”
Even if you’ve not got a party planned in the next few weeks you can go down, like we did, to just have a look at the archives.
If you’re interested in hiring something but aren’t quite sure what, Pauline says, “If you do need something we are the place. We’re very knowledgeable and will do our upmost to make you get something before you go out that door and it won’t break the bank. So have a party!”

The department is open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Head to www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk/costume-hire for updated opening hours or for more information to organise your tour or hire.
Each item is priced individually so contact Pauline and her team on 01904 715444 or at costumehire@yorktheatreroyal.co.uk to discover how much your’s will cost.
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