October Horoscopes by James Christie

LIBRA *Starsign of the month*
An easier month than many you have had to deal with this year. You get plenty of evidence that suggests that past decisions have been the right ones, and you should be on the receiving end of at least one apology from someone who has disagreed with you and caused a problem. The 7th and 11th are a bright few days for launching new initiatives and ideas, especially if there is anything artistic and creative involved. 

October sees you travelling on a relatively even keel until the 23rd or 24th when an emotional issue pops up out of the blue which will need some sorting out. You could just sit back and do nothing, but your instincts will be to nip something in the bud – and your instincts are spot on! Some things may have to be said that other people do not want to hear, but nevertheless, they must be made to listen!

A relatively carefree month for most Sagittarians. No scintillatingly high highs, but very few, if any, lows. The family vibe is strong at this time so October could be a month where journeys tie in with reunions, especially on a north/south axis. The 18th to the 23rd is a propitious period financially when long-term investments start to pay some dividends. Something here to do with insurance?

A very busy month for ambitious career and business-minded people with some special highlights of progress around the 9th, 10th, 23rd and 24th. Emotional relationships seem solid enough but I would expect there to be an undercurrent of tension in professional relationships, especially around the dates mentioned earlier. Possible changes here to the managerial hierarchy. Major expenditure is planned for 2023 but there could be arguments about financial priorities.

A feeling of excitement combined with impatience is the dominant energy throughout October as you move towards specific dates, targets, and ambitions. Self-confidence should be high with no shortage of support and understanding from within the family – so don’t let your impatience get the better of you in this domain. Family reunions during the first week of the month with special celebrations in the last few days.

Who do you think you are? Are you the same person as other people see you as being or someone very different? This autumnal month presents you with a number of opportunities to see yourself as others see you. This may delight or dismay, but in the latter case, it gives you the chance to do something about it. October the 10th should be a red letter day for romance, while the rest of the month is down to self-realisation.

Arians are probably not the happiest of bunnies as they battle through October. There is either a battle with bureaucracy that will need you to be uncompromising and forceful, a battle with a lover or partner who wants you to do things you simply do not want to do, or there is a battle within yourself as to just how many compromises you’re prepared to make – not with other people, but with life itself. Good luck!

It’s October. Summer has popped off into the sunset and now you’re left facing another long, cold winter. This does not make you happy. Taureans do not like being cold! You can’t pop off to Majorca ‘til the spring, so maybe it’s time to buy some new warmer clothes or throw some more logs onto the fire. Your challenge is to stay warm on the inside even though you may be freezing on the outside. Try hard!

October seems to be a slow and steady month without any great highs or lows: one day leads into the next with steady predictability – which may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your temperament and expectations. Noteworthy is Improve relationships with the family pantheon of generations, and you’ll have the satisfaction of seeing a younger member of the family overcoming one particular problem.

Ladies of the sign who have become accustomed to getting their own way will meet with some serious opposition from their male counterparts throughout October – boyfriends, bosses, and husbands are going to make demands on you, and if you can’t or won’t accommodate them, they will fulfil their needs from another source. This is a time for compromises to be made but Cancerian ladies are not good at making compromises. Learn!

“Leo boys come out to play, kiss the girls, then run away!” So guys, if this is you, stop it immediately, and any Leo ladies out there, be on your guard! Apart from some flirtatious frolicking (which is the closest most Leos are going to get in their quest for true romance) October augers well for family relationships and also professional relationships, especially for the self-employed. It’s not always what you can do that counts, but who you know.

Any emotional problems or issues experienced in September should either be gone or on the way out once you’re cruising through October. This looks like being a very busy period on the work scene, probably with some long hours involved, leading to more than a bit of tiredness… So, monitor your energy levels and make sure that other people on the team are pulling their weight. Don’t be backward in coming forwards.


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