What do the stars have in store for you this month?

Family reunions look likely during the first week and this may well be a time when you can be of great service to close friends and other people within the family. You have specialised knowledge which can be put to good use. There will be some beneficial moves on the work scene (especially around the 14th and 15th) which improves your long term future outlook and enables you to make long term plans for a year or two down the road. When dealing with bosses and senior colleagues, you need to be firm and clear about your intentions, but keep things calm and polite and avoid arguments or confrontational stances.
For the majority of Arians, a calm and stable mood prevails within the home and great support should be found from within the family circle. This, however, might not be applicable to younger male members of the sign who are excessively impatient and increasingly frustrated by playing by the rules, to no obvious advantage. While Arian mothers can provide a calm and steadying influence, younger Arian females (16-19) are destined to make a few drastic mistakes, and it can be only hoped that they learn by them. No love, he doesn’t really want to help you – he wants to help himself!

Strong travel options during the first week of the month to important (if not really long distance) destinations. Generally speaking, quite a bright mood throughout the month of May, with some fresh enthusiasm working with you in connection with a long (but frequently complicated) career or business ambition. We’re not talking about miraculous short cuts here, rather a burst of determination to crack on and get things done. If, over the last few years, you have lost a little faith in your own abilities, well, there is good news here because this is when your faith begins to be restored!
I wouldn’t want to call it a windfall, but there is certainly a cash boost towards the month’s end, which shouldn’t come as a surprise, but what might be surprising is the amount of money finding its way into your bank account. Don’t be tempted to blow it all in one go, because it serves you better if you use it to consolidate existing commitments.
In some ways this could be a very educational time for Taureans, not so much in the academic sense, but through learning to see other people from a different perspective, and becoming much more in tune with their deeper needs. You should be able to respond positively to this which will go a long way to improving your love life and any kind of emotional relationship.

A subtle change in the family dynamic when a person who has been somewhat distant and aloof, now seeks closer links with you and makes an effort to be more helpful and understanding. While this may have a number of connotations, it is particularly relevant to all parent/child relationships, especially when the child is an adult. Enjoy and respond as best you can and see how it goes. Is this a flash in the pan or is it a genuine attempt to rebuild broken bridges? Only time will tell, but you really to have to invest in that time to find out.
Younger members of the sign (17 – 27) might find that May is a particularly romantic month: new relationships are found, existing partnerships find greater depths of meaning and engagements and weddings are either being planned or announced. It is also a fortuitous period for middle aged Gemini men, especially the self-employed, who will appreciate a bit of a boost where finances are concerned… Look at the 25th, 26th 27th for evidence of this trend. Conversely, Gemini career girls need to become a little more realistic in their aims and ambitions, and allow a bit more time for their plans and aspirations to come to fruition.

Where affairs of the heart are concerned, trust your instincts, and if this means saying no and pouring cold water over someone else’s expectations, well you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. This is NOT a time to try rekindling old love affairs, and nor is it a good time to have faith in the promises of people who have broken their promises more than once in the past.
There is a dichotomy here insofar that Cancerian males need to put up a firmer fight for their beliefs and opinions, while Cancerian females will benefit from working beneath the radar and behind the scenes, playing a longer game, to achieve their goals. Both sexes, especially in the 30+ age group, will have made enough mistakes in the past to learn from them and to use the knowledge they have gained in the process.
On a different note entirely, well established emotional relationships seem secure enough, but it must remembered that Cancerians cannot feel secure on any level if there is any degree of financial insecurity. When money goes out the window, love goes out the door, so for emotional relationships to remain secure, one cannot ignore all the financial aspects of life and give them the priority that they require.

This is going to be a very forward looking month during which a number of plans and decisions will be made which will affect both your mid and long term future. Career minded females will have to make choices between emotional and professional priorities, while Leo males are notably successful in overcoming career obstacles and making unexpected progress. Overall, the majority of Leos should be well satisfied with the outcome and many members of the sign will look back on May 2019 and see it as a milestone month in their lives.
Between the 3rd and the 8th there will be important meetings and discussions regarding careers and job options, and anyone with an ounce of ambition will see the openings here, and grab at them with both hands. This is especially true if (a) you have no romantic distractions, or (b) you are trying to prove something to someone close to you.
The 18th, 19th, and 20th brings you into close proximity to someone who is destined to play a major role in your professional future, and with their help, by the end of the month a small but very important ambition will be achieved. This is something you could do on your own without anyone’s help, only it would take a damn sight longer!

A very busy month on the work scene, but you will be in a strangely passive “wait and see” mood in connection with personal matters and affairs of the heart. Some unexpected obstacle stands in your way around the 10th but rather than confronting it head on, you’ll sidle round the side and thus will avoid what might seem like an inevitable fight. This is clearly a very good move, although there are some who might not approve of your tactics. Dusty Springfield once told me that it wasn’t cool to name drop, but as Larry Grayson once said “if I can’t get in through the front door, I’ll go in through the back!”
Towards the very end of the month (maybe the 29th or 30th) there is likely to be a routine business meeting where money is involved. Be careful here, because I suspect that it might be far from routine, and someone will be just a little bit on guard with regard to financial figures. Not that I would believe for one moment that you might, but just for the record, this is not a good time to try cooking the books. If you owe something to someone, pay it back in full, or explain calmly and reasonably why you can’t.

While Libran men seem content to be led, Libran ladies seem totally determined to do the leading, which is especially true for career minded women under 40. Younger Libran girls (17-25) get some fabulous opportunities at various times during the month, (the 18th through till the 24th in particular) but these opportunities do not come without some risk. Spring/Autumn relationships are particularly dangerous, especially when the girls are the Spring and the gentlemen are the Autumn!
Talking of the seasons, there will be a tendency to splash the cash on new clothes and anything which will give your self image something of a boost. If someone is encouraging you to do this, it isn’t because they are displeased with the way you are – they just want you to enjoy some nice things. If nothing else, this has got to be seen as an indication of their commitment to you, and hopefully, you can react accordingly.
Towards the end of the month there is likely to be some kind of conflict with a red tapey official kind of feel to it, and you may have to decide whether to stand in your corner and put up a fight, based on your principles in the face of some perceived injustice – or stand aside and let it go. Frankly, unless there are some large sums of money involved, you’re probably better off following the second of the two pathways.

As your reading this you’re either laying in the bed you made for yourself or you’re cock-a-hoop with satisfaction at the way things have turned out. I doubt if there’s anything much in between! Wherever you are you need to think long and hard about what you want out of your own future, and make a point of not repeating old mistakes… and if you can’t do that, draw up a list of all the things you don’t want. You may find this process very illuminating!
The 7th, 8th, and 9th is a three day period in which all forms of communication are very important. This could mean letters and phone calls, or just some heartfelt conversations. You need to make sure that your words are being understood, and if this means going just a bit over the top to get your message across, well, that’s fine by me if it prevents other folk from saying “oh, I didn’t think you were being serious” or “I didn’t really know what you meant.”
There are likely to be some subtle but important changes to work routines around the 20th or 22nd of the month, and I get the strong feeling that these will be to your advantage, leading to a situation where there is a little more cash and appreciation coming your way – even if it doesn’t come all at once.

Although your confidence might be quite high at this time you must avoid becoming complacent. The wheel of fortune turns in mysterious ways and there are always a few surprises in life. With this thought in mind, stay flexible in your plans and in your forward thinking, enjoy what you’ve got, but remember, it is not written in tablets of stone that you will want the same thing for ever.
Some members of the sign will be putting money to one side to pay for some significant home improvement projects, while others will be weighing up the pros and cons of actually changing address. This is especially relevant for people in their middle and late middle years. Any Sagittarians involved in the arts (or indeed, anything individually creative) should find that May is a bit of a break through month where artistic ambitions are concerned, and the events of the 24th and 25th should give you some indication of this truth.
Travel aspects are interesting, especially for career minded people who are at the beginning of their journey… Job interviews in other towns, new commuter routes to different destinations etc. As far as romance is concerned, across the board there seems to be a degree of stability, but not a great deal of excitement.

Travel plans for early in the month provide you with a much needed break, and even if you’re not going as far as Timbuktu, a change is as good as a rest. You might not have a fantastic amount of physical energy at this time (or for that matter, enthusiasm) but nevertheless, there are too many nights spent zombiefied in front of the TV and putting it bluntly, you need to get out more! Anything which breaks existing domestic routines has got to be good.
Relationships are quite solid, but you can make them even better by being more open with your innermost thoughts and hopes for the future. This might be easier said than done, but any effort of your part will bring positive and reassuring results. Having said that, try not to be too critical of someone else’s shortcomings, because there’s always the chance that they might turn on you and point out a few of your own!
This is a positive period for considering long term financial investments, and some new plans and ideas will be under close consideration towards the month’s end. There are no financial threats at this time, but there could be problems in the future if you fail to change some of your current spending habits.

Doors of opportunity, which have been shut in your face for a long time, now start creaking open, and you will be gifted with a different vision of your own future. It is time to embrace all that is new, whether it is something tangible like a house or a car, or something more metaphysical like a state of mind. Priorities which have been important for many years now start shifting and a number of old chains and shackles are being released to bring you greater confidence and courage when it comes to defining future pathways. You’re not going to throw the baby out with the bath water, but nevertheless you will see that it is time to sacrifice some of the old to make way for some of the new, and there is great power in this knowledge.
Your social life, which has been a bit turgid recently, starts gaining in impetus and May is a lovely month for making new friends and contacts: in business a bit of networking never did anyone any harm, and in all truth, success frequently depends on who you know as much as what you can do. Business and pleasure mix very nicely, and a lover or partner will be very supportive at this time. They may have their own agenda, but the bottom line here is that it won’t do you any harm, and actually could serve you very well.

Probably a happy month for those whose priorities revolve around families and affairs of the heart, and it might be an interesting period for weddings, engagement parties and Christenings. Probably not such an easy going month for those with powerful career ambitions and who are fighting to get to the top of their chosen tree. Patience is needed here, and maybe a bit of careful crafty planning combined with the knowledge that timing is always very important.
Some members of the sign might find that there is some tension caused by a younger person who dwells beneath their roof, and it is up to you to put your foot down and nip this situation in the bud before it gets out of hand. If this means you have to assume to persona of Attilla the Hun (or Hen), well, at least it lets other people know where you’re coming from and it will bring some positive results.
Towards the end of the month you can expect to see some progress in a long on-going legal wrangle (or a situation where officialdom is involved) and this should very much be in your favour, leading to payment of some money that is owed to you (and possibly has been owed to you for far too long). This should give you some emotional satisfaction and allow you to splash the cash a bit, once the month changes and you start your journey through June.
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