It’s all change at St Paul’s nursery!

Multi-award winning St Paul’s Nursery School — which has been located in a secluded corner of the beautiful St Paul’s Square in Holgate since 1938— are moving across to the Clifton Children’s Centre. Despite the big change, the nursery won’t be slowing down anytime soon. Instead, they’re accepting more children than ever as for the first time they will be welcoming children at the nursery from as young as two-years-old!

In the last 70-years or so thousands of children have passed through the doors and the building has expanded to make room for more children over the years. 

As a result of all those tiny footprints, there has also been some wear and tear over the decades. Parts of the building have been rendered unsuitable and have now been demolished, to make way for a fantastic new and improved nursery from late 2025.

Headteacher Claire Rigden, says, “This is a very exciting time for the St Paul’s family, not only are we going to come back to a brand new building in 2025, hopefully we will have been able to make a difference in the city and support more families with children who are now eligible for the funded two year old places, but who may have not been able to find a nursery in York that meets their child’s needs.” 

If any families are interested in taking up a funded or paid place in nursery for their two-, three- or four-year-olds the school would love to hear from you. Please contact the nursery, all details can be found on the schools website:


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