Horoscopes: January 2025

By James Christie



A bit of a breathing space now that the Christmas thingy is behind you, a chance to get your breath back and return to normal and familiar routines. A calm period where relationships and domestic matters are concerned, and even if you don’t have all that you want, you do recognise the fact that you’ve got more than you thought you were ever going to get. For senior Capricorns, this may well be a time perhaps for finding new interests and hobbies. 

The Year Ahead should bring you most of what you’re looking for, providing you’re not looking for world cruises and Ferrari sports cars. Careers progress with plenty of rewards, and promotions and salary increases look likely around the early summer. Anyone with a “green” agenda (or just with green fingers) should be more than pleased with the result of their labours, and there seems to be a little more money around enabling you to spend a bit more on what you want, rather than what you need.

AQUARIUS 20th Jan – 18th FEB

January is unashamedly going to be all about money – how much you’ve got, how much you’ve spent, and how much you need. There will inevitably be some re-arranging of financial priorities, and you’re going to have to work hard at making other people see things from your point of view. Younger Aquarians get a really lucky career break on or around the 9th and from the 10th to the 19th is potentially a very romantic period. 

The Year Ahead brings new energy, new ideas, new plans, and new confidence. Anything which is “new” will grab your attention like a magnet, and you’ll not be averse at sacrificing some of the old to get what the new has to offer. Women of the sign will recognise that they have found (or are finding) the love of their life, while gentlemen get their fair share of the action, despite the fact that for a lot of time they’re going to be concentrating on other, more practical things. Travel aspects are strong throughout the year and extra holidays and long journeys will be a recurring theme.

PISCES 19th Feb – 20th Mar

Quite a good month moneywise with cash earmarked for future ambitions. An upbeat period for younger members of the sign who have political agendas and who want to save the world. The 8th and the 17th will be two red letter dates when you receive good news which tells you your long-term targets are coming one step (or even two steps) closer. Anyone working on or with “the land” (farming, animal welfare etc.) should be on the receiving end of special rewards. 

The Year Ahead sees the January energy developing and blossoming at a great rate of knots. You can relax in the knowledge that you’re on the right pathway, heading in the right direction. There is no need to push events into fruition, they come to that in their own time without any great effort from you. Relationships seem solid enough, perhaps with a twinge of anxiety around April and it is important that you don’t get hung up on historic losses that are now firmly in your past.

ARIES 21st MAR – 19th APR

A quiet mood of relief now that Christmas is behind you and you’re happy to slide into the New Year in a philosophical mood. No rush, no angst, a “let’s take it as it comes” attitude. Now this may encourage other people to try taking advantage of you, and knowing what they’re up to, you’ll let them get away with it – but only so far. Just a gentle but firm “no” should be enough to keep them in check. 

The Year Ahead is unlikely to bring any major problems. Travel aspects strong in April and October, a streamlining where friends and family are concerned, a need to be particularly supportive towards a partner in March and September as they deal with some difficult times. It’s quite a busy domestic year, property deals, DIY schemes, etc. but quite honestly not a lot of change where jobs and careers are concerned. Having said that, you make the best of it with a smile on your face.

TAURUS 20th APR – 20th MaR

Quite a strong start to the New Year with some very firm resolutions being made that you’re going to bust a gut to keep to. A frugal month financially, especially if you’ve splashed the cash over the Festive Season. Relationships are steady and reliable, except for a couple of days around the 14th when there will be a disagreement on financial priorities. Not much enthusiasm for careers or work projects, but money doesn’t grow on trees, so you’d better find some from somewhere. 

The Year Ahead is likely to be one of a few high-highs and one or two low-lows. The lows hit you in March, but the highs hit you in April and May. This pattern repeats in the autumn… High-highs in September, a lull and a low in October. This is not a good year for travel aspects, and if you get yourself as far as Brid or Whitby, you’ll feel that you’re doing well. 2025 is a thoughtful year in which you examine your values and priorities and find yourself able to look back into your history with fresh perspective.

GEMINI 21st May – 20th Jun

Quite an active and aggressive start to the New Year. You are going to be impatient in the face of any kind of delay or opposition. This uncompromising attitude encourages others to look at your with fresh eyes and greater respect. Some welcome reunion around the 11th or 12th and overall, January is a month wherein you win most of your arguments. Any links with people and places overseas get stronger. 

The Year Ahead has a few up and downs (but then so has life!) A dark opening to the year when old memories and moods of nostalgia get the better of you. Things brightening in the spring when travel and reunions go together like fish and chips. Finances getting stronger throughout the summer, suggesting new jobs and promotions, and also money being spent on property, either its purchase or its renovation. An aspect of good fortune finds you in April, then marches by your side for the rest of the year. This could be financial or emotional, or indeed both.

CANCER 21st JUN – 22nd JUL

The name of the game in January is temptation, in all its myriad forms. The temptation to do something you shouldn’t, or not to do something you should. Temptation to take short cuts on the business/work scene, and the temptation to believe that everyone thinks about you in the same way you think about yourself. The temptation of thinking you can get away with even little fibs and minor indiscretions. 

This mood follows you through The Year Ahead and you are constantly going to have to use your own judgement when making choices and decisions. Probably some clashes of will or involvement with bureaucracy around February and October, and oddly, some involvement with politics looks likely around these times… 2025 is a very important year for finding new causes and acquiring fresh targets. When you hear the bugle call you’ll not be able to resist… and there’s that element of temptation again.

    LEO 23rd JUL – 22nd AUG

January brings quite a gentle start to the year. Relationships are stable, arguments and old feuds are forgotten about, and the overall ambience is one of domestic stability and security. There will probably be some thought and discussion given to property around the 15th/20th, and there will also be a news of an engagement or a wedding. Probably a marquee event, so bring your coat and umbrella. Guys, you need to recognise that your strength is underpinned by the love of a woman. 

The Year Ahead brings a number of intense and emotional decisions about your long-term romantic future, and being a bit parochial, I think that 2025 is going to be a very important year for you, romantically and sexually. Relationships are found, founded, and cemented and there are lots of promises and arrangements being made in June. 

VIRGO 23rd AUG – 22nd SEPT

Awards, rewards and accolades are the key elements in January so you must be doing something right. Looks like being a very productive year on the work scene; self-employed members of the sign enjoy an unexpected and exciting start to the year and if you’re a bureaucrat, or politician, or just anyone in charge of anything, you should be riding high on a wave of popularity, especially in the first quarter of The Year Ahead 

It promises to be a remarkable and memorable year from beginning to end. You gather all your strengths around you, turn away from the past and march purposefully towards a new future. No, this doesn’t happen all at once wrapped around any one single event, but it is the mood and direction of the year ahead and you will be surprised (and pleased) by the amount of progress you make. 2025 is for finding a new direction, a new sense of purpose, and a brighter and more positive self-image. There will be a widening of your circle of friends and associates, and I suspect you’re going to meet some interesting (and very helpful) new people, especially in the mid-summer. 

 LIBRA 23rd SEPT – 22nd OCT

Guys, if you’re single and unattached, this is one of those months when out of the blue you meet the love of your life! Good month for independent business people of both sexes, and a stepping stone up the ladder occurs around the 20th. 

The Year Ahead is not going to be boring! Long term attachments and commitments are made and it’s going to be a very quick year, everything happening very fast. New jobs for some in the late winter with major victories and romantic triumphs in the mid-summer. New ideas flourish and there is an ongoing mood of excitement, especially in all affairs of the heart. And sort of allied to that, 2025 is a year of healing heartaches.


As you proceed into the New Year there is a tentative energy of bridge building and reconciliations. A hopeful month unfolding one step at a time so don’t try rushing or pushing. The 9th or 10th brings you into contact with a member of the opposite sex who ignites some interest, and it looks as though they are as interested as you are, and there should be a journey arranged at short notice around the 20th or 21st. 

The Year Ahead should be a productive year, with many gains made by taking small steps rather than giant leaps of faith. Probably an emotionally intense year, and knowing you, it might be difficult to keep your emotions in check – which might be easier said than done as there is a very strong romantic vibe occurring between late summer and October. Where jobs and careers are concerned, you appear to be content to coast along without rocking the boat… that is until October/November when an opportune opening kindles the fires of ambition.

22nd NOV – 21st DEC

Possibly a difficult start to the New Year. Feelings of being out of time and out of place, moods of negativity even though there is nothing to feel negative about. Elderly Sagittarians will be particularly prone to this trend, but even younger members of the sign will feel lethargic and uninspired. This situation changes on or closely around the 10th when you become aware of the fact that there are people around you with many more problems than you might have yourself, and you will be called upon to fulfil the role of the 7th Cavalry, riding to the rescue. 

The Year Ahead brings knowledge and learning and anything to do with education on any level is well starred. You will frequently be in the role of arbiter of go-between, and in this role, there is no script, so you must use you own instincts and intuition. All members of the sign will acquire a different self-image, especially towards the latter half of the year.

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Email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk.


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