Horoscopes: February 2025

By James Christie


20th Jan – 18th FEB
February seems to be all about money! Independent business/career people seem to do very well as they acquire more influence on the work scene, and in all truth, the women seem to be doing better than their male counterparts. This is not to say that the guys don’t enjoy some successes, (the 10th/12th for example should bring some gain and advantage). February is a good month for anyone taking tests and exams, and there is an educational element here; maybe some of you are gaining some new skills and qualifications, while others are just learning more about life. This is particularly applicable to younger members of the sign. Some nice emotional aspects, more for people in established relationships, but even singles can expect some romantic interest around the 20th/24th and this could turn out be a tiring month – in the nicest possible way.

19th Feb – 20th Mar
A lovely sense of freedom permeates through the House of Pisces at this time, which will affect different people in different ways. Some people will find the courage to break with tradition and walk away from old rules and restraints, while others (especially younger people) might recognise that it’s time to fledge the nest and follow their own pathway through life rather than the pathways prescribed by others. Wouldn’t be surprised if there were some moves towards a change of address before the month’s end – either that or there is time and money being spent on remodelling; as part of this process, a lot of junk being thrown out, if only to create some space.

21st MAR – 19th APR
February can be a tough month for all of us. Christmas and New Year are well and truly behind us and Spring is still a long way off. Many Ariens tend to hibernate during this period, letting the events of the day just wash over them – but there are a few who say bugger this, and go out of their way to brighten up their lives with new interests, hobbies, ambitions, adventures, and anything which brings an ounce of excitement. There is some romantic promise in the wind, not on the 14th as you might imagine, but a little later on the 21st or 22nd. Finances seem stable but you need to avoid making big spends just to cheer yourself up.

20th APR – 20th MaR
A rather low-key month (so many Taureans hate the winter months) and it’s still a long time before the first green buds start appearing. Nevertheless, you’ll work hard at staying focused and will try to find some enthusiasm from somewhere. A lover or partner will be of enormous help in this respect, but having said that, Feb 14th slips by without you even noticing it. Work routines are exactly that – just routine – and here again you might find yourself struggling to find any enthusiasm. Oddly enough, however, this is a good month for money (at least a bit more than you might expect)..

21st May – 20th Jun
Quite a magical and mysterious month. Lots of odd coincidences and contact with more than one old friend you haven’t seen for ages. Possibly an evolving interest in spiritual matters, and if nothing else, a rekindling of faith in human nature. Family aspects are strong, especially in parent child relationships, and you will be very instrumental in helping a younger person learn a few life lessons. As the month progresses you become increasingly aware of the fact that you are the architect of your own destiny, and on the work front there is an urge to branch out and do something different. Of course, money is important, but I don’t think this is going to be your prime concern at this time.

21st JUN – 22nd JUL
An unexpectedly lovely month. There’s a feeling of re-growth and re-generation, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were on the receiving end of news concerning pregnancies and births. Furthermore, there is the birth of a mood of tranquillity within you as many past problems now seem to evaporate – into the past. Cancerians who feel that they have been undervalued and taken too much for granted can enjoy a renaissance of reassurance and popularity. This should be proven by a boost to your social life from the 13th onwards.

23rd JUL – 22nd AUG
February may turn out to be quite a complicated month. Quite a few short cuts may be offered to help you on your way, but be careful, because many of them are false starts which take you back to where you started. Some remedial work is probably necessary on the home front – building walls or building bridges – and you’re going to get very angry with more than one other person on the 10th when it is obvious that they are not pulling their weight and you are doing all the lifting.


23rd AUG – 22nd SEPT
Lots of hustle and bustle throughout February; a busy time on the work front, possibly with a bit of travelling involved. New commuter routes and overland journeys rather than Benidorm or Barbados. Finances get an unexpected boost on the 7th and again on (or around) the 19th but you’ll be spending money on more than the usual household bills, probably in connection with some aspect of bureaucracy. Partnerships and emotional relationships are fairly solid, so if a significant other seems to be in a bit of a mood, it’s got nothing to do with you, but with something else which is going on in their own life. One note of caution – a reunion with an old friend or old flame could have a disruptive effect, so handle that one with care.

23rd SEPT – 22nd OCT
If you get carried away and end up making a couple of mistakes this month in your dealings with other people, don’t get too upset. We all make mistakes from time to time, and this will not be all your fault by any means. You can learn from this situation, secure in the knowledge that no great harm is done. February is a powerful month for learning a host of new things – job skills maybe, how to deal with other people perhaps – or maybe you just find yourself learning a lot more about yourself. Having said that, if you are faced with tests or exams, I’d expect you to pass them without too much hassle.

Apart from one tricky period around the 8th when you are confounded by awkward decisions and divided loyalties, February should be an okay month for you – not absolutely brilliant, but definitely okay. The problems come from the expectations of other people around you, which are far too high to be realistic; there’s only one of you and you can’t be all things to all people and nor can you be in two places at the same time. So, put your foot down, and don’t try. Whatever you do for others, they always want more, so it’s time to do something for yourself. You know, just for a change!

22nd NOV – 21st DEC
Quite a flat month with the excitement coming from awkward and badly timed journeys. Family aspects seem stable enough. Some minor changes to work routines (different hours on duty) around the 26th and you need to be flexible on this one. Don’t rock the boat on matters of principle. There will be the tendency to be a bit accident prone throughout the month, so watch your step and don’t get too overconfident or leap in where angels fear to tread.

This should be a lovely month for relationships and emotional unions. Two people pulling together towards the same goal makes everything so much easier! Having said that, it would be worth your while to listen to the thoughts and words of a partner, and recognise that if they have problems, they are their problems, and perhaps need to do something more to help themselves. The 2nd of Feb should be a red-letter day when it comes to receiving some good news, which might lead indirectly to a financial boost.

For details of private readings by James Christie please phone 07884 107100 or 01423 339770 or you can email at jcp@magepublishing.co.uk.


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