By James Christie
ARIES 21st MAR – 19th APR
A month of mixed blessings. Travel aspects linking with family reunions in the first week, a lot of scurrying around dealing with domestic issues in the second week. Frustration caused by unexpected delays in week three, and some tension in relationships coming to the surface in the last days of the month when it is obvious that a lover or partner does not understand your own needs and priorities. On the upside, April won’t be boring, and it will probably be a good money month, especially for
the self-employed.
20th APR – 20th MaY
Most Taureans welcome the advent of the spring. It’s a time of growth, movement and change – but in its own way this brings an element of discontent. You’re either all dressed up with no place to go, or you know exactly where you want to be but don’t have the right clothes to wear when you get there. You want to run, but you are made to walk. You want to spend a fortune in Fortnum & Mason, but here you are again trailing round shelves of Aldi. Having said all that, quite a bright start to the month with some expensive social activities.
21st May – 20th Jun
April looks like being quite a restless month, and if not physically, then definitely mentally. You feel under pressure to make decisions, but do not be impulsive. Those decisions do not have to be made at this time – plans, yes perhaps, but decisions no. Maybe it’s time for a little self-honesty, and maybe you need to ask yourself what it is you really want at this stage in your life. Anything and everything to do with property is likely to be an ongoing theme – a good time to sell but maybe not such a good time to buy – and even someone else’s change of address might have an influence over your own thoughts and ambitions.
21st JUN – 22nd JUL
Some will experience frustration in emotional relationships – either you are being bullied by a partner, or you flounder around without any degree of understanding or support. By the 14th or 15th you’ll have had enough (whichever way around it is) and will not be backwards in coming forwards in letting your discontent be known. Calmer emotional seas in the second half of the month, but first there must be the storm! Time then for single Cancerians to be thankful for what they haven’t got! Members of the sign who are more interested in practical matters should enjoy some triumph and progress on or closely around the 20th when a door of opportunity
on the career/ business front
opens for you.
23rd JUL – 22nd AUG
Some major career decisions dominate your thinking this month with one tricky situation quite early around the 3rd – then cropping up again around the 11th/ 12th when you are faced with some kind of blind choice – a choice, I might add, which has not been thrust upon your shoulders by a third party or outside influences, but which is a natural outcome of some of the choices and decisions you have been making over the last couple of years.
23rd AUG – 22nd SEPT
While there may be some friction in emotional relationships wrapped around a disagreement about financial priorities, April should still be a good month financially, with specific gains being made on the 6th and the 16th. An ongoing period of involvement with bureaucracy over the month, especially in connection with taxes, refunds, payments and receipts. Travel plans and short breaks away from home look likely for the Easter period but with it being Easter, you must be prepared for a few delays or for journeys to take longer than usual.
23rd SEPT – 22nd OCT
On one level, a routine month much like many others, but another (much deeper) level, it is a month of self-analysis, incorporating a brutal degree of self-honesty about what you want out of life and what you’re prepared to do to get it. All things considered, not an easy month, but a very, very important one none the less.
Some female members of the sign will experience on-going divided loyalties between two male personalities close to them and here we must not discount involvement in father/son relationships. If you have to take sides, then you do have to pick a side, because this time round you can’t get away by playing piggy in the middle. This is an ongoing theme throughout the month, but with epicentres of energy coming to the surface on the 8th, 9th, 10th – and again on or around the 27th.
22nd NOV – 21st DEC
If there are times this month when you feel you’re somewhere between a rock and a hard place, you need to take this as a warning sign, remembering that while you can please some people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, you cannot please all of the people all of the time! Frankly, a bit more time spent pleasing yourself would be more than justified.
Stability and security is the name of the game throughout April, and you will react swiftly against anything which threatens this status quo. Therefore, you’ll be watching the pennies (whether you actually need to or not) and will be disinclined to take any kind of risks, financial or otherwise. Now, providing lovers and partners understand where you are coming from and can offer a modicum of support, all should be well, but if they can’t, then the month could turn out to be quite fractious with a real battle of wills regarding financial priorities.
2oth Jan – 18th FEB
April isn’t going to be boring and in many ways it looks like being a but of a battle ground inasmuch that you’re going to have to fight hard for every victory and every little step forwards. Not a time to be cosy or coy, rather you need to come out all guns blazing, and if as a result of that, a fair weather friend falls by the wayside, you need to let them go. By all means, listen to other peoples’ opinions, especially from within the immediate family, but do not allow yourself to be deterred from your own pathway.
19th FEB – 20th MAR
April looks like being quite a dreamy introspective month; there are very few rough edges and no sense of conflict, and you’ll find yourself taking stock of where you’ve been, what you’ve got, and where you want to go from here. You realise that you can’t turn back the clock, which is a very good thing, because it enables you to concentrate on your future.
For details of private readings by James Christie please phone: 07884 107100 or 01423 339770
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