By James Christie
A bright and breezy month for most, with some powerful moods of self-determination and self-confidence. You seem to know where you want to go and what you have to do to get there, and there is lots of support from lovers and partners. There may be some temptation to go back and rehash old decisions and choices, but you’re advised to let things remain as they are. Some very nice romantic vibes for the young, especially where all the sevens are concerned – the 7th, 17th, and 27th.
TAURUS 20th APR – 20th May
Taurean spirits always lift with the advent of the spring, and this year is no different. The 9th to the 11th is an interesting period where you will find you have much more confidence. You’ll be standing on your own two feet without relying on others. This is a good time for exchanging ideas and confidences as an old established friendship becomes much closer.
GEMINI 21st May – 20th Jun
I suspect the accent this month will be on jobs and careers, with some specific breakthrough falling into place on the 8th or 9th. New business ideas bear fruit, although it might mean some study is required to pick-up new skills. There is a gentle mood of change manifesting itself here, but this should be welcomed rather than resisted. Money spent on modest home improvements is a good investment, especially if it involves anything electrical.
CANCER 21st JUN – 22nd JUL
A younger member of the opposite sex could cause some disruption this month, and you might have to use a firm hand to nip this situation in the bud. Not a good time for playing “follow my leader” on the business/career front, and if anyone is going to do any leading, this needs to be you. This might create a clash of wills in an emotional relationship, but you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
LEO 23rd JUL – 22nd AUG
Time to walk away from situations which no longer make you happy. This could be relationships, jobs, lifestyles, and even parochial things like cars and TV sets. Your social life has probably become a little predictable over the last dozen months, so maybe that could do with a shake-up as well. You may be tempted to go with “the bird in the hand” but if you do that, you’ll never know what is waiting for you behind the bush. Follow your intuition and take a few risks.
VIRGO 23rd AUG – 22nd SEPT
Some strong travel aspects working well for you at this time— with any overseas links likely to get stronger. April 21st could be a particularly auspicious day for some “good” falling into place for you. Some interesting links developing with other people born in Taurus and Leo, and new friendships and business partnerships bode well for you across the board. A gentle word of warning if you are doing any work with things of an electrical nature.
LIBRA 23rd SEPT – 22nd OCT
There is a mood of conflict moving through Libra at this time and if nothing else, you’re going to have to work damned hard and fight for what you want – and that’s just as applicable professionally as it is emotionally. On a brighter note, you may be pleased and impressed by your own strength and influence so you should have no difficulty in finding the strength to deal with any problems caused by other peoples’ stupidity and ignorance.
The feminine principle is in the ascendant here, so anything to do with making new girlfriends or doing something social which brings you into contact with women who share your views and opinions, bodes very well indeed. On the other hand, God help any misogynistic blokes out there who think they can get away with taking the women around them for granted, ‘cos if you do, lads, you’re going to come a right cropper! A party or special celebration around the 3rd or 4th and the 13th.
You may have to play the role of peacemaker or piggy-in-the-middle, which is actually something you are quite good at, although this time around you might find it a bit wearing. Someone close to you wants it all, and they want it now… But your task is to advocate patience and common sense. Don’t expect them to thank you for that advice though. Fun time around the middle of the month with travel aspects very strong, tying in with family reunions.
A very social month, especially between the 9th and 11th when you’ll be spending far more than you can afford on things you actually do need. Do not feel guilty about this in any way! Don’t worry too much about the welfare of other people, they’re probably stronger than you give them credit for. A lovely sense of freedom and adventure moves through Capricorn at this time, which you will find intoxicating and addictive. Remember to send out birthday cards for the 3rd and 29th.
AQUARIUS 2oth Jan – 18th FEB
In some ways a quiet month but also a very productive one. You find yourself drawing closer to a friend or colleague and enjoying new confidences and a sense of camaraderie. A very special night out around the 11th might cost you a few quid but it should be worth every penny, and on a wider level, any money spent on leisure, pleasure and entertainment might be seen as a bit extravagant, but money is there to be used, not sat on while you wait for the rainy day.
PISCES 19th Feb – 20th Mar
Not an easy month, but at the end of the day, a very productive one. You’re going to come in for some criticism around the 7th from people who really don’t know what the heck they’re talking about; this will be resolved by the 10th but it still leaves the sour taste of injustice in your mouth. You can hardly be blamed then, if you find yourself looking at different future pathways and choose to associate yourself with other people who are on your own wavelength.
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