With rising costs, it might be that you find yourself struggling to pay your energy bills. If that sounds all too familiar, don’t be afraid to get in touch with your supplier. According to regulation, they must help when required and there are various ways they may do so, for example, they may provide you with a full payment plan review, payment breaks in some cases, reduction, more time to pay or they may even offer hardship funds. The outcome of the support you receive will be reviewed according to personal circumstances.
Usually, any additional support credit and special repayment plans will be given to those in vulnerable situations, for example, those with a disability or individuals at state pension age. However, even if this is not you, your supplier could still offer support credit.
If you’re low on funds and if you have a prepayment meter, all suppliers should offer small amounts of emergency credit. How you access it depends on the type of meter, and your supplier will be able to tell you how it operates. Any emergency credit you receive must be paid back the next time that you top up your meter.
Just remember, if you are seeking additional support, it can take a few good weeks to process your claim, so it’s worth getting in touch as soon as you are able.
DID YOU KNOW? If you’re struggling to heat your home, there are also local Warm Spaces you can go to within the city. See ‘A warm welcome‘ to learn more.
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