Horoscopes: November 2024

By James Christie


Looks like there might be a few challenges ahead in November and you’re going to feel under some pressure to be the person that someone else wants or needs you to be…. And this is when you have to do a reality check and tell yourself that if someone can’t accept you for who and what you are, they’re not worth trying to please in the first place. I suspect that something will kick this off on or around the 5th and there may be some ongoing tensions at least until the 10th or 11th – but after that things start returning to a more even emotional keel and you’ll have a much clearer idea of where you’re going and who might (or might not) be going with you. Perhaps in connection with what I’ve been saying or perhaps as a totally different situation, if there is something you know you need to do but have kept putting it off, now is the time to STOP putting it off!


Quite a social month. I suspect that a number of new friendships and associations will fall into place, and I wonder if there is some specific social event on the 3rd which might have long term influences? The overall mood where romance and relationships are concerned is one of stability (so please don’t rock the boat) and there could be some welcome news concerning weddings and babies. There is the feeling of pulling together with people you love and care for towards common goals, and this makes the journey through life so much easier and so much smoother.

There may be a couple of major decisions which need to be made this month. If you knew which was the right one, that would make things easy – but you don’t and you’ll be working on blind instinct and intuition. To complicate matters a little, other people close to you have a few decisions of their own to make, but they can’t make theirs until you have made yours. If you’re looking to others to provide guidance and advice you’re not going to get much response because they’ll be looking to you to provide them with guidance and advice. Whoa, a real traffic jam on the roundabout of life! Whichever way to go, go there with confidence, believing in yourself 100%. On a more prosaic note, money spent on gifts of jewellery before month’s end, and if you are a female Capricorn, it looks like you should be on the receiving end.

Key word for this month is MOVEMENT and, of course, this can mean many things – everything from travelling, buying a new car, changing your mind about something that has been set in tablets of stone, and of course, movement in relationships. If things have been okay, make sure they stay that way, but if they haven’t, this is where we will see some movement in attitudes and a breaking down of old barriers. You may have some major decisions to make before month’s end (look to the 17th in particular) and whatever you do to please someone you’re going to upset someone else. So you might as well just please yourself. It’s one of those situations when you need to ignore the shades of grey and just see thing in plain black and white.


A period of victory and triumph in affairs of the heart. Either you cut yourself free from old restrictive ties that bind, or you find yourself making some firm promises and commitments where new friendships and unions are concerned. You will be feeling supremely confident in most of what you do, which is just as it should be, because right now you’re the person making the decisions and calling the shots. Some special reward (or award) comes your way on or around the 12th and this is also an encouraging period for seeing your long term future with greater clarity and optimism than ever before. I wouldn’t want to use the old cliché of seeing you travel across water, but I do see you travelling to the water. Got any other Piscesians close to you ???

I SUSPECT THAT November could be a lovely month for all affairs of the heart. Younger members of the sign who are experiencing love for the first time should be flying along in a world of their own, while older Ariens also benefit from this wave of emotional solvency.  Singles find new friends, friends become more than friends, you become increasingly aware of options you never thought you had.  Those in established unions will find themselves moving into a new chapter of commitment and understanding.  There could be a down side here, inasmuch that some awkward decisions may have to be made in connection with divided loyalties.  My advice? Put your own interests first.

Independent business women should have a very successful November with some specific gains made around the 10th 11th and 12th.  Taurean gentlemen can enjoy a less dynamic month but one in which some key emotional gains and ambitions will be achieved, probably based on who you know rather than what you can do.  Unions and partnerships auger well for you – but be warned!  There is no room this month for misogamy, and if you undervalue and underate a female partner there will inevitably be a price to pay. Some special celebrations (and probably a lovely reunion) on or around the 5th – but if I’ve got that wrong, let’s look around the 15th.


Quite a few thoughts and investigations happening in connection with property. It’s not really a good time to sell but it might be a marvellous time to buy. If nothing else, one way or the other, money is being invested in property, even if you’re only doing a bit of DIY or remodelling. There seems to be some bright energy on the social scene, and November should turn out to be a good month for widening your circle of friends: some romantic or sexual energy kicking in where all the fours are concerned – the 4th, 14th and 24th but while it might be nice to be popular and on the receiving end of some extra attention, this is not the time for rushing into new relationships that are untried and untested. So go slowly and carefully, and there could be some wonderful (and unexpected) rewards.

Women of the sign are almost certainly going to lock horns with a man who behaves in a very arrogant and misogynistic way. If you try to fight him head on and face-to-face, this could get very messy and complicated, so bide your time, give him enough rope and he’ll hang himself, if he’s blocking the front door, then go round the back! On a different level, November is connected to new knowledge and long distance communications, and travel aspects involving airports and aeroplanes may well be on the cards before month’s end. Dunno what this is all about but it sure as heck hasn’t got anything to do with summer holidays. A letter or some other form of communication brings long awaited news on the 10th – but don’t give me too hard a time if it turns out to be the 11th or 12th.

Just like October, November may well turn out to be a challenging month in which plans have to change at the last minute because other people change their minds and let you down at the 11th hour. Time, perhaps, to re-evaluate the worth and importance of some of your friendships and associations! Rather than trying to sort out every issue all at once, take two steps back, and tackle them one at a time… and talking of time, you could do with a little quality time just for yourself, y’know, just to do a bit of relaxing and thinking, and you’d be a very Silly Billy if you allow other people to deny you this time. One thing you need to be careful of throughout November is getting involved with other people’s problems to the extent that they spill over and become your problems, and events on around the 9th of November should illustrate this point perfectly.

If there is one word which is going to represent the key issue this month, that word is “SECURITY” and this has ramifications across the board. On a purely practical level, don’t park your car on a dark street, don’t leave your handbag or wallet where it can easily be grabbed. Make sure that smoke alarms work and that doors are locked when you’re not at home… The list goes on! But of course there is another aspect to all this and that is emotional security. If things are okay in relationships, be thankful for it and work to keep it this way, but if there have been a few hiccups over the last couple of months (or even longer) this is definitely the time to have some important conversations with partners… let them know how you’re feeling and thinking, and make sure you listen when they tell you how they have been thinking and feeling.


November will be a bit of a balancing act for you, and while this might mean juggling finances, it also means juggling with (a) loyalties (b) timetables, and (c) priorities. Not a lot of time for relaxing and ‘going with the flow’ and you’re going to have to be awake and alert to everything which is going on around you. Some good vibes where jobs and money are concerned, especially on the 6th and again on the 21st and if you are offered some kind of promotion, before saying yes and grabbing somebody’s hand off, do be aware that this will inevitably mean working longer hours and shouldering more responsibility. Financial priorities are an ongoing theme throughout the month. You can have the mink coat or the Mercedes, but you can’t have both.

For details of private readings phone 07884 107100 or 01423 339770

Email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk


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